the peanut gallery

Feb 15, 2009 08:59

i am: waking up slowly
listening to: wind chimes
drinking: british blend tea

i had a dream this morning right before i woke up (indeed, the dream woke me up) that i had commented on an entry by zcat_abroad, and moments later received a mail reporting that anonymous had replied to my comment. i returned to the journal where, the first thing i noticed about the comment was the userpic - charlie brown sitting at a miniature piano, where linus should have been. the comment itself rather nastily criticized my lack of proper capitalization and punctuation. it said something to the effect of, "Children in the lowest grades are taught to capitalize the first word of their sentences, along with proper nouns." in my dream i was mentally composing a sarcastic reply/excuse for my stream-of-consciousness-like entries and replies, and i woke with a start, thinking, "ooh, i need to remember that." remember what? i have no idea, but i suspect that's the only reason i remember this dream.

the thought passed (quickly) through my mind, yet again, that maybe i should take the time to capitalize and punctuate properly here, but you know ... i really don't care. my hands are so trashed from the many things i'm working on that require proper capitalization and punctuation, among other projects that are stressing them, that, at this point the less effort it takes to do something with them, the better.

i'm also aware that i tend to use the word "that" in many places where it's not necessary. to which i reply, bite me, chuck.

today's reading: finished my re-read of jasper fforde's the eyre affair late last night. today i'll get started on the next in the series, lost in a good book.


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