pops in, says hello, makes a list

May 28, 2008 19:33

i am: present and accounted for
listening to: a jet passing overhead - i wonder where they're going
drinking: iced tea

  • this has been the most pleasant spring i can recall in many, many years. that said, it poured for a few hours this morning and today is cooler by 20 degrees than yesterday. the birds are happy and so am i, because i hate having to run the air conditioning in may.
  • i've been keeping busy, as usual, filling the hours of my days, and i will again make note of the weather but this time blame it for an inability to stay focused on my project. oh, i'm still working through a manuscript, but i've also been playing with fractals and bryce 3D (which i haven't played with in a very long time, so i have some re-learning to do,) which has resulted in me spending quite a bit of time at deviantART. i also spent several hours today making a CD from a vinyl album; i think it wouldn't take nearly as long if i did it more often, but it takes so long it doesn't inspire me to do it more often. i guess i need to set aside one day a week, or once a month, if i'm ever to preserve all the vinyl that spurred the i-wanted-ness of the USB turntable.
  • since last updating i finished my re-read of jonathan strange and mr. norrell, having enjoyed it more the second time than the first, read sword song, the latest in bernard cornwell's the saxon chronicles series, and am well into mistress of the art of death by ariana franklin.
  • i'm not having much success weaning yog away from her allergy medication, unfortunately. i need to take her back to the vet yet again to be weighed and for another urinalysis, which will check her liver enzymes, but i need to call the vet and speak with her to see if we can put it off at least until ... well, late summer maybe. i'm trying to remember at what point in the year she stops trying to claw her eyes out. this time of year is definitely not the time of year to ease a creature off of allergy medication though.
  • my mind is a sieve.
that's all.

today's reading: mistress of the art of death by ariana franklin, which is sort of like CSI: medieval cambridgeshire. i've only spotted a few anachronisms, but overall the characters are well developed and the plot is moving right along.


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