
Mar 11, 2008 20:46

i am: present and accounted for
listening to: yog snoring
drinking: green tea, hot

  • my computer desk broke today
  • then my computer chair broke
  • i really, really miss escaping into creating fractals
  • i'm beyond ready to be done transcribing this herbal. "only" 168 pages to go.
  • then i have to go back and correct all the typos.
  • then i have to figure out what to do about all the greek words i transcribed as ("greek word")
  • i'd sorta kinda decided i was going to start properly punctuating (and capitalizing) my journal entries, but eh ... after spending my day typing words like Chamarhododendros alpigena, Thymelæa, Cocculus-indi and Cipressenbaum and trying to decide if a u is really a u or if it's a v - ditto on f and s - i just can't be bothered to capitalize and punctuate properly.
  • raise your hand if you hate daylight savings time
today's reading: since last posting i finished rereading doomsday book by connie willis, started and abandoned a reread of passages by connie willis (though i'll get back to that eventually) and started and am sticking to a reread of the hilarious a dirty job by christopher moore.
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