
Jan 31, 2008 11:54

i am: taking a break
listening to: my head pounding
drinking: cherry juicy juice

still working feverishly on a huge herbal and at times wondering if i couldn't be using my time more wisely, because i keep coming across the phrase "There is no use of these in physic, but they are esteemed for the beauty of their flowers." i had hoped to do 100 pages a day in order to finish it in two weeks, but i'm falling very short of that goal. my head and hands just can't take it.

i really only loaded this to document/archive the fragments of a dream i had early this morning. i wish i could remember more, but this is all i remembered upon waking:

i'm standing outside a large half-timbered building. it's cold; it's night, the door is partly open and i peek though it. two people are behind me, right behind me; they're both taller than i am and they're fidgeting, pushing against me; i know they're looking over my head trying to see what i see, which is nothing more than a large empty room, dimly lit by candles and a dying fire. i speak softly to one of them, "you'll have to kill the giant."
a whispered reply: "no! i can't!"
"you must," i say, never turning around.
"he won't do it," the other says.
"he will," i say. "he'll do anything to save her."
"it's too big," the first one says, almost moaning in fear.
"no, it's not," i reply, very matter-of-factly. "we're just smaller here."
a gargoyle comes crashing down from above, shattering at our feet; it has the beak of a very large bird.
... and i wake up.

today's reading: since posting last i started and finished ella minnow pea by mark dunn, which was more entertaining and disturbing than i thought it would be, and today i've picked up my re-read of fool's fate by robin hobb, because i left fitz, chade, web, thick, et al on their way to asjeval and even though i know what's going to happen, thick may haunt my dreams if i leave him on that ship indefinitely. i need to order bernard cornwell's the pale horseman, because i'm not going to be able to read the lords of the north without refreshing my memory of what has gone before.


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