Teleporting Cats

Jul 17, 2013 09:29

I'm on day two of running on shortened and interrupted sleep, due in small part to my video game addiction and in larger part to a new development: teleporting cats.

My cats usually spend the night locked in the laundry room, because they're young and don't understand the concept of sleep. Over the past few weeks I've relaxed that rule, and as long as they're both in curled on the bed when I go to bed, they're pretty good. As long as Monkey doesn't start a marathon slurpy grooming session where he hits me every time he rocks back and forth, anyway.

But the past two nights, one or t'other of 'em hasn't come in for curfew. I don't want them out at night, and I don't want to wait up either, so I leave the sliding door in my room open a cat's width and the silly teen rebel cat usually saunters in and curls up on the bed sometime between midnight and three. The other cat has to get locked int eh laundry room so they don't BOTH end up outside.


The cats have figured out how to get out of the closed and latched laundry room.

It's happened four times so far, never while any of my housemates were even awake, and suddenly I have mewing cat outside my bedroom door. Or inside. Or running through and escaping outside. So I catch the cat and put it back in the laundry room and an hour later it's outside my door again, how is this happening there's a DOOR between these spaces.

The last two nights, a combination of these factors lead to being woken up once every hour or two by a different cat going a different direction.

I tried just giving up and leaving everything open, but if they've been out and about they don't sleep quietly because they have to tell me about their ADVENTURES and also how they LOVE ME and they're so glad I'm still there now they got back and did they mention ADVENTURES? And it's hot and sticky and the open door lets in skeeters and suddenly both cats are outside even though they were in ten seconds ago and the door was closed then, or they're yowling at my door even though they should be locked in the other end of the house, and my freddie, TELEPORTING CATS ARE A PAIN IN THE ASS.


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