Fic: My Pet Human Part I

May 29, 2010 19:32

Title: My Pet Human
Author: skellig8 
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Genre: AU, Romance
Pairing; K/S
Rating: T to M
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing in the sandbox.
Warnings: Slavery, pet!fic,
Summary: From a kink!meme prompt, "Jim is Spock's pet". A young Spock is compelled to buy a human for his household when he's out shopping. Humans are known to be wily and clever, it comes as no surprise that Spock has gotten himself into more than he can control.

The market was bustling in the high heat of the city Shi’Kahr of Vulcan. Spock dutifully followed a step behind his father in the commercial pedestrian lanes. One day he would have to do the same as the steward of estate which he would inherit from his father. As a member of the Surakian household he would be educated in its expenses. The shopping is expedited, much like Vulcan nature so they do not spend time window-shopping. It was this that makes it a challenge to the foreign traders, shouting their offers or showing shiny things. They had to appeal to the curiosity of the Vulcans, to hope that something would catch their eye.

Sarek had to make a purchase for their household in a small shop that bordered on the slave markets. Spock knew he should learn more from his father, but in this particular venture he deemed it would not be necessary. For it was Serron, a mason and his sons that their household had used for generations. Spock had known him since he was a small child.

“Father,” Spock caught his father’s attention. “I wish to look at the wares down the street.”

Sarek looked down the street where Spock was likely referring to the hive of activity. “Affirmative. Be cautious of your surroundings.”

The slave markets were a den of depravity and there were many dangers lurking in its corners. Those streets were where the traders lived and sold their wares. They were not allowed any other place in the city unless they had a trading pass for deliveries. The agreement for those occupying the traders housing was that they keep to themselves and out of the Vulcan city. Spock did not like the slave markets, but it was a necessity to the running of their household. In the House of Surak, the slaves were well-kept and not beaten or abused as he had seen other households do so. There were new slaves being moved into the pens and Spock watched with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

A slave was led into the pens bound in chains, fighting against them for all it was worth. Fighting against the shackles and gag in its mouth. The creature was blond and moved in tattered clothing. Spock moved closer after the bars were put in place. The creature huddle into itself; clanking in its chains and moving slightly. It looked different from all the others.

The Orion slaver saw him looking. “Like what you see? ‘S a genuine Human, that’s for sure.”

“A Human?” Spock asked.

“Humans are wily creatures, they are hard to capture. They spend time in family groups and rarely separate from their own kind. I found this one, poor thing on Tarsus IV. He’s one of the last, they slaughtered themselves.”

Spock could barely comprehend this.

“This one is a fighter though. I think he needs some good training a’fore he gets anywhere.”

Spock didn’t know this feeling that came up suddenly to combat his usual coolness of expression. He looked into the cage to the blue eyes that regarded him with solemnity. He knew these eyes, even though they were foreign to him. He felt curious and compelled by them.

“How much is his price?”

“I can’t say for sure,” the Orion began. “We ‘ardly get Humans to be sure. He’s a rarity, ‘specially since he doesn’t have brown hair. He’s fair to be sure. He’s special.”

“That is not what I asked you, trader. Answer the question.”

“He’s be sure to be cheaper than the others. He ain’t got any skills or them such.”

“I name ten credits.”

“Eh,” the trader exclaimed. “Twenty-five if I have a say!”

“Twelve,” Spock responded in the bargaining mode already, getting the lowest and fairest price ingrained into him.

“Twenty one.”







“Done,” Spock completed the deal and made the gesture for final price. The transaction would take place under the House of Surak for that many credits.

“You’ll be wanting chains though, he’s a fierce thing and he’s clever. Don’t let your guard down on him.”


“They’re somewhat intelligent, they’ll find a clever way to get ya. I think Humans are nice. They express a lot. They cry when they’re sad and if they’re happy you’re in for a real treat.”


“When they’re happy or content. They sing.”

Spock was given his new acquisition and was given a chain lead as part of the slaver’s agreement. It would be replaced in the household by a collar and a tracking device. The human followed sullenly, digging its heels into the dust. There was still a gag on the human, so it could make no vocal disagreement to what was happening. Spock headed back in the direction of the mason’s store to meet up with his father.

Sarek was waiting for him, eyebrow raised as he took in Spock leading the human behind him. He stopped in front of his father, posture perfect and awaiting his father’s judgment.

“Spock, explain yourself.”

“Father, I bought this slave for my household and I wish to place him in it.”

“You realize he is a Human. He will need constant attention and correction.”

“Yes, Father.”

“Then it shall be your responsibility to train it in the ways of our household and that it behaves in the presence of others. I have owned a Human before, they are strange creatures, but if you earn their loyalty, it is worth ten times that of a selhat.”

“Yes, Father.”

Spock followed his father in the dusty trek home dragging an unwilling Human behind him. He realized he would have to give this creature a name. He contemplated names as he walked. The Human followed him sullenly in the heat of the day, scuffing his heels. Spock checked continually on their progress through the city, becoming aware of the wilting of the Human’s posture.

“Father,” Spock addressed the elder Vulcan, “what temperature are Humans most productive?”

Sarek eyed the Human following along. “Yes, it is obvious he is uncomfortable in the heat. Humans come from a world of mostly water and are used to temperatures much cooler than our own. The difference comes to approximately forty degrees lower than our own world. You must be diligent in making sure it has enough water otherwise they may become ill.”

“Yes, Father,” Spock nodded, forming a plan in his mind how to care for this new creature in his own household. This would be his first, and he would have to prove to his father and the other members of his house that he was ready for this responsibility.

They arrived back to the compound of their household, one of the most pure Vulcan bloodlines in Shi’Kahr. They decended directly from Surak himself and they remained somewhat removed from the political sphere but were always the most influential. Spock’s own birthright was princely in origin, but the House of Surak was the eldest and wisest of all he clans. All young heirs were to be raised as stewards, learning the ways of the household and traditions before taking control of the House. It would be many years before T’Pau would finish her role as matriarch, then Sarek would take over and Spock would fill his father’s position. His current role would follow to his own child.

Spock led his Human to the bathroom in the servants quarters, here he would have to get the human clean. He made sure the chain was put where the human couldn’t pull to escape and turned on the water. To Spock the water was cool, mostly lukewarm, taking in mind the differences in physiology. The Human was wilted, leaning against the stone walls, leeching out the coolness of it. Blue eyes blinked open and closed slowly, watching him silently. Spock leaned over him and took off the headgear and chains and helped the Human undress. He looked back at the human and his face was bright red. Spock didn’t know what to make of it, so he led him to the tub and let the human crawl in, washing away the dirt.

Spock found the soap and rolled up his sleeves before dropping a dollop in his hands. He reached for the human and began getting the worst of the grime off the dirty human. There were layers and the smell was starting to dissipate. Suprisingly, the human was brown-blonde and had fair skin that was rubbed pink by the scrubbing and hot water.

Spock made note of the human’s size so he could get a collar that would fit him. He ruminated while washing a name for him. “Balor.”

The human looked up to him with a change of expression.

“Balor,” he said again while patting the top of the human’s head. From now on he would be ‘Balor’ which meant ‘blond.’

vulcans, kink meme prompt, au, slash, kirk/spock, fic, kid!fic, star trek, gay

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