Mar 31, 2008 10:58
Maybe I should start wearing jeans that show my butt crack. Because sink now drains as expected. WOO!
I had thought before that the issue lied in the P-trap. Not so! With O's help, I carefully snaked the P-Trap after removing it from the sink and water drainage. Did get some goopy stuff out of there, though, so all was not lost. :)
So, after going through some of the home repair books we have in the library, I discovered a 3rd place where a clog could happen. That would be at... *drumroll*...the drain stop! This is the thingie that goes up and down and allows you to fill the sink with water without it draining.
To fix it, I had to take the whole danged thing apart, but when I did...whoa...the gunk in there. Nasty. Again with O's help, I snaked the drain so that the soap scum and other sundry nasty stuff that was blocking the drain was removed, and then washed the drain stop itself to remove additional soap scum and other sundry nasty stuff. Reassembed, and voila! Drainage!
Still a small issue with the o-ring, though. That's the rubber piece that seals the drain when the stopper is down. It's slightly warped, and that creates some blockage when the stopper is open. Need to revisit that at a later point...