Eph 4:29

Jul 19, 2006 01:17

Day 5. Unwholesome.

In this case, this word is meant to describe words that would hurt or injure another. Did you know that the definition for unwholesome not only means unhealthy or pertaining to injury, but it can also mean like a disease. That's what I wanna stick on for just a little bit. Did you know that there truly are power in words? A lot of people do not know that.

"Stick and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!" That used to keep little kids safe from bullies on the playgrounds, but the truth is.. well.. the truth is not that! The truth is that words have a deeper effect than just bouncing off of our ears. In fact, a lot of psychologists agree that if a person receives a lot of negative or harmful words from people, and they bottle that emotion inside themselves, a breaking will occur, and it will not be pretty.

If you really need proof that words have enormous power in them, open Genesis. Does it not say that God spoke creation into life and it was? Just using the power of His voice, and words, God created everything. Granted, He's God, and we could never do something like that, does this not show that there is some meaning of power in those syllables?

What about this.. you get in a fist fight.. and someone punches you. That hurt is temporary. You get in an argument, and someone insults you.. that pain can be temporary, but it can also lead to other terrible things. Your mind may linger on the words, and run them over and over and over in your mind until you are freaked out by the whole lot of it. That could be why when girls fight it is a lot worse than guys, cause guys are friends after they see what the other one can take.. girls.. nuh uh. She insulted her hair, and now they are enemies forever. No offense, girls.. but own it. Girls fight meaner than guys.

Anyway, back to my original point.. I don't want to ramble for too long. Words are either this or that. They are good or bad. Healthy or unhealthy. Are those that are unhealthy or bad like a disease, just like the dictionary definition I said earlier? They rot inside of your heart, causing you so much pain each time you think about them.. Totally unwholesome.

Maybe I've spent more time talking about words than "unwholesome.." either way, even when you break down this word it is not great. Wholesome is a good word and has good meaning, but placing that un on the front of it turns it into the negative type and then shows that it is lacking something.. maybe that's what Paul meant when he wrote it in this way.. although his original Hebrew/Greek probably didn't directly translate into unwholesome.

Unwholesome is un-fulfilling. It is a disease. It spreads from one person to the next. When will it stop? Jesus is the cure.. of course, and plenty of people have Him, but instead of spreading the cure the want to spread the disease. Stop the disease.
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