Jun 26, 2008 14:04
found this really awesome article through carl yesterday and since then have been making my way through it, while clicking on all the links and going through some of those sites as well. its inspiring =)
its a report that he calls "a brief guide to world domination"
sometimes he leans towards being a nonconformist for the sake of nonconformity, which is really annoying, but i still like what he has to say. "we have forgotten how to complain about the right things, and started bitching about everything else"
theres more too it than that. it sort of validates the fact that i worked my ass of last year and never had any free time. i don't regret it and will undoubtedly do it again next year... hopefully i can manage it better though.
in a different yet related article he talks about how so many people happily spend their money on luxuries, they work really hard just to have a comfortable lifestyle, and thats enough for them. i know tons of people like this. but then he adds that he would rather spend money on meaningful experiences and i think thats great. my mom made me feel guilty about last summer, how i worked (almost) full time in a dumpy cafeteria then did nights in the restaurant, and came out of the summer with no money saved. even now, after i gave up countless weekends to work, i really don't have much saved. its cuz i spend it on experiences and wouldn't have it any other way. it may or may not happen again this summer, seeing as i plan on going to ctlx, ilhc, southern belle, and swing and soul. once i get into college i think it will be best to focus on school and not work or dance so i really won't have any extra money.
another article basically talks about his friend who considers booking and planning events a form of art, and i like that because it is. marketing is also an art. i am totally going to look into that in college. lately i have been thinking that music shouldn't be my major, mostly because i can't find motivation to practice. i will be interested in taking education classes, like finding the best ways to get people to learn something, but i gotta say right now music theory and conducting and classes like that are not going to be my favorite subjects. who knows though.