I has thoughts

Feb 21, 2010 22:55

Sometimes having a brain is annoying. I really really really really hate how I overthink things so much. I hate how one thing happens and I blow it out of proportion OR once I get happy I find something to make me unhappy. Here is a list of things running over my head for the past week:
  • Computer problems. Ever since I got that BSOD, I have been freaking out about my comp. It's warranty ran out last October, so of course that makes my mind run. Now I've been noticing every little noise and getting freaked out over stupid shit (like if I move it too much it'll break or if I don't blow all the dust out of the vent in the right way it'll explode or something else crazy like that) It makes this light clicking noise that I have heard before but can't remember if it happened this frequently before the BSOD. I keep trying to remind myself that besides the noises, my computer runs fine.
  • Schoolwork. Of course this always bugs me and I feel like I never have enough time to do anything. The same goes for actually being on campus and the like.
  • Fashion. This may sound stupid, but I really like having the time to pick out a cute outfit, do my hair, makeup, etc. The only problem is I can't get cute and dressy on Monday/Wednesdays because I have Wellness and it's a pain in the ass to change into my workout clothes. Not to mention any cute hairstyles go out the door because I need it up in a ponytail. I really hate feeling uglier than everyone else and like I don't have an ounce of fashion sense, but I really don't have the time or energy to put into the effort of looking cute. I keep telling myself that this will all be over once I'm done with school. Yup. :<
  • Getting a job/paying bills/etc. Yeah, what else is new for a soon-to-be graduate.
I think those might be it, for now. I've fortunately managed to push some things from my mind, but it's especially hard to make myself live in the moment instead of thinking ahead. For example, while I am excited about my impending Spring Break trip to Florida, at the same time part of me almost wishes I were just staying home. Not because I don't want to go, but because it occurred to me that this will be my last break to just stay home. After this is the working world and you only take vacation days when you're actually going on vacation. D8

Anyway, onto the good bits. My mom got her bonus from work, so she was kind enough to take me shopping yesterday. I got a lot of cute stuff, which I will probably post over in my other blog. I also got some much needed jeans, so I am very very very pleased.

Today I asked my dad if he would please take me to buy my graduation present early -- a 500GB Western Digital MyBook external drive. It's gorgeous and I love it! It also helps me feel less uneasy about my imaginary computer woes. At least if my computer goes kaput I'll still have my external drive with all my stuff on it, though who knows how long I'd end up going without a lappie.
We also swung by Academy and I got myself some new workout shorts and some spiffy 4 pound weights so I can tone my arms a bit.

I think I'm going to end it here since I still have some stuff to do and I'm feeling RAWR because I hate Sundays.

computers, school, shopping, worries

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