I really should update my journal more, I'm such an angsty person. That and what with school starting again I have new people to bitch about.
I know this is going to sound like total bull, but I'm seriously trying to stop procrastinating so much and actually finish projects I start. I always say "oh I'm gonna work on my website and update my journal" but I am so damn LAZY. It's like I got a wake-up call though. After this semester, I'm going to be a junior in college. Two years of my life in college have already flown by and I didn't even realize it. I just think I'm at the point where I need to cut back on a lot of things I say I'm going to do but never do (i.e. another livejournal for updates on ALL my sites, a dolling website, five+ shops on gaia) and start doing the things I know I want to do. I've kind of got the ball rolling by finally writing a fiction series I said I was going to write forever (
http://www.fictionpress.com/u/596600/ for anyone who's interested LOL PRODUCT PLACEMENT) and I've been touching up old stories that I've never posted, etc. I'm going to try and post more in my LJ, I really miss the early days I had on here where a crapload of my friends were active and there were a multitude of journal entries to read... but y'know, times are a changing.
Well, enough of that. In other news, I started school again. I'm taking 2 communications classes, 2 history classes, and an art history class. Exciting. I get up at 6:45 mondays and wednesdays, 8:00 on tuesdays & thursdays. I really thought I was going to hate having to go to bed early to get up early, but in some really sick way, I like it. It's nice to be up at an early hour, especially when everything is still dark outside and the birds are chirping... ugh, okay, I'm even starting to sicken myself. You get my point.
I just realized I never made an update about Christmas & New Years. Normally every year I like to post my list of crap I got for Christmas, but considering I'm so late in doing it this year, I'll sum it up: Christmas, as usual, rocked. I got a new iPod nano, some CDs, some DVDs, a wiimote charger (hellz yeah!), a new camera, new sprint phone (thanks to the constant bitching of myself, my mother, and my sister to my wonderful father), and a kick ass ipod stereo. New Years, for once, was also pretty kick ass. We went up to Dallas to visit my cousins Tony & Gabby and had the best time. We of course had to play Rock Band (Rock out with your cock out! Hang out with your wang out! Jam out with your clam out! okay, I'll stop) but we also did a lot of shopping and general hanging out.
I think that's a big enough wall of text for now, so later. Oh, I don't think I mentioned this in previous entries, but I made a new PGSM icon theme and I fucking love it. Asian girls make the funniest faces.