fall is here and i'm feeling a little gothy, but the vintage lace, veiled hats and cherry lipstick kind of gothy.
this morning at 8am steven and i got up (rain and cold and all) and went to H&M for the karl lagerfeld's collection opening at 10, yes we're gay. good thing we did though because there was already a line at 8:30 and within 20 minutes of opening some racks were empty (like the t-shirt with ihs face on it, ebay gold). all in all there were only like 3 or 4 cool things but my priest collar shirt made it worth it haha. AND i thought this was going to be an ongoing thing kind of like isaac mizrahi's weak line for target but apparently whatever is in the store today is it, once it's gone it's gone, so i guess we got a few collectors things.
anyway on a different note, this post is one season too late (i haven't been keeping up with my fashion week posts) but the louis vuitton fall 04 collection gives me an orgasm. it's equal parts pleasure and pain (because i can look but i can't have). marc jacobs is a fucking genuis once again, everything he touches is.
so anyway, since christina and steven have really been getting on my case about dancing, i think i'm just gonna do it. a lot of people have tried to dissuade me because of drugs and teh craziness of the lifestyle but all that shit is not new to me, i'm not totally clueless and because i'm in school i can't allow myself the luxury of getting shitfaced every night. anyway, i think i'm going to do it. because that way i can pay rent without owing steven money all the time, i can still go out to eat at awesome places all the time, i can get my hair reconditioned again, i can pay my credit card bills, i can buy drinks for my friends all the time, i can take trips, AND most importantly i can buy myself a louis vuitton coat (or if i'm really good, two) haha.
so i THINK that i should just do it, i mean i have no moral problems with it, the only problems that i really do have are that a) i'm kind of awkward and can't see myself being sexy on stage and b)i always make fun of people dancing which in turns gives me the complex that everyone is making fun of ME dancing all the time so i get super self conscious if all eyes are on me. once i drop those 2 inhibitions i'll be ballin', till then wish me luck with rent and louis vuitton.