FInals neef to DOE!!!

Dec 07, 2006 14:35

Seeing as finals are coming up...and everyone knows how studious i am. *wink* figured i'd post my most likely last LJ of teh year! *cries* possible teh last of my life...if i do that badly on exams. hahaha.*doez and is doed* just my sure my 'rents killahs are given justice. o:-)

So Shitville has done it again. After wasting time in class loofing for Ock spoilers, I stumbled across an old spoiler site link I used to use.  Get this shizz...

"The couple whose status will change after this episode is]a couple we've been rooting for, and Clark is the reason the relationship changes. Speaking of the action-packed "Crimson" episode, Clark gets infected with Red Kryptonite and goes on a massive kissing spree. (It is Valentine's Day, after all.) Among his victims: Two women whose names start with "L." By the end of the day, one of them won't remember anything and another will have proof that Clark possesses some seriously super DNA. At the end of the episode, there's a big twist concerning the bun in Lana's oven. And Martian Manhunter returns. Sort of. "Crimson" also features the third Lois Lane to find herself flying over Metropolis' skyline. The episode is gonna be huge, people. Huge! And I suspect Tom Welling fans are going to love seeing sexy Clark back. In what can only be described as "Red meets Rush," Clark is infected with red Kryptonite yet again, and at least one other major character also feels the effects. The Red K causes Clark's inhibitions to drop and his emotions all come to the surface. He lets everyone know what he thinks of recent developments - including Lana's pregnancy and Martha's relationship with Lionel. The status of at least one relationship will change after "Crimson."

Now maybe I'm wrong...but still. Loofs like teh dumbasses finally took teh hint and tried backtracking. Guess we might have to check this out. Can't wait to see how they take care of this. *envisions them using memory wipe and other overused storylines*

After that shock of all shocks....I decided to read about GOOF shows. aka GREY'S!!! Spoilers. Dont wanna reaf. then DON'T click HOE! ;)


"We have a wedding coming that's pretty awesome: It definitely involves main characters," teases Rhimes. "it will surprise a lot of people." :-o *jaw drops. biiiiiiig smile*

"someone on Grey’s is going to have a wee little one in the oven this season."  Maybe McDreamy got his request for more sex. hahahahaha.

Also heard there's gonna be some alex/addison lovin'. I was goin' for teh alex/izzie i guess. who cares. all i neef is MEREK!!!

Finally...Teh Ock. RYLOR!

I loff this show. And while it loofs like my Seth/Summer loff is fading both on and off screen, RYlor is GOIN" ON!!! WOOR.

"the truth about Che comes out." I already think i loff this ep. RYLOR fantasies and Che getting his deep dark secrets exposed. 'bout time.

Does the thought of Seth and Summer having a baby give you the warm-and-fuzzies? If so, the Dec. 21 episode is not to be missed. - OH MY GOF. What is it with shows these days and people getting pregnant?! crazie shizznits man.

spoilers, grey's anatomy, teh ock, shitville

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