I Passed a Exam HOE! YAY!!!

Nov 21, 2006 13:53


After umm teh whole damn semester, I passed a fuking exam with more than a D. Ok...so I had one C, isnt college great?! After umm *counts in head* 4 months I finally figured out you actually have to study! and you cant bullshit it. Sad huh? :(  I think someone neefs to ecxplain to these profs that people are here to have fun! not spend 439867957607 hours stufying for some lameass major class. how are we supposed to have time for parties if we're knocked out trying to learn by osmosis?!?! hehe.

Oh and can someone please tell teh 'rents that when your kid goes off to college you're NOT supposed to visit them EVERY fiking week. I swear, I see them more now than I did when I lived there! Its like HELL. I atleast finally got a shopping trip outta my mom tho. *thanks gof*

Is it baf of me that I dont wanna go home for THanksgiving? Becuase i wont be able to catch Grey's THursday night? I can't help it i'd rather watch teh merek loff! haha. yeah im ebul. :P Guess I'll just have to d/l it when i get back to BR Friday. sighhhhhhh.


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