Jan 01, 2012 16:50

Hi friends. I know I've abandoned lj (and many of you have too), but I still think it's better than tumblr for making longer posts, or for sharing anything personal really. So here I am. I wanted to make a 2011 recap post mostly for myself but also for those of you who I have lost touch with.


I saw my friends' bands play a bunch. I also saw The Blow.


We visited Russell's house in Marin.

We celebrated the year of the hare by going to this weird warehouse party in the Mission.

We ate at Mama's for Valentine's.

I bought myself some Valentine's gifts at Japantown.

James' parents came to visit.

I had an interview for the job I'm currently doing - after school instructor at a private school in the Mission.


James' friend Pete visited and we saw his band the Nodzzz play.

I started working at the school. I still work at the 5&10 in the mornings, but getting this second job was a huge positive change for my mental health, in the sense that I finally got weekends off so I could actually spend time with friends and see my family on weekends.

James went to New York to do a photoshoot for his designer friend.

It rained.

Kristine graduated! James and I stayed with my family for Easter. We visited the Perc Ponds in Campbell and we went to Villa Montalvo.
All the pictures are in this post.


We went to the cherry blossom festival at Japantown and saw Elvis Costello play in Oakland.

I tutor my coworker's daughter in algebra. She turned 14 and invited me to her birthday party in Japantown. This is me and her mom (my coworker Shelby).

Survived the Rapture. Lulz.

James bought a huge box of someone's old slides and some slide viewers!

I worked on scanning some of them, but there are so many that I sort of fizzled out on that project. I can always finish it later though! Maybe when I have a computer that's working properly.

We went to the Academy of Sciences with Julie.

I went camping with Gabi, Ryan, Takashi, Dea, and Jimmy. We were near Yosemite and it was so fucking cold! It snowed on us at night and we were not prepared for that, so we ended up spending a lot of time in the car watching Karate Kid with the heat on. It was beautiful. :D

(By James.)

(By James.)

On our way home we stopped to warm ourselves in this patch of sunshine.

Takashi's roommates had this adorable puppy.


I turned 26. So did C. Las.

We saw Tree of Life with Ben & Amy.

Summer vacation started at the school. I picked up some hours working at their front desk during summer camp.


We celebrated Miriam's birthday.

Blue coats.

Went to Fillmore Jazz Fest.

Celebrated 4th of July in the Mission.

(Photo by Miriam.)

Went to a BBQ at Justin's.

The boys were blowing smoke rings.

I went to Bolinas with Jimmy, Bex and Michael.

Me, by James.

James in Petaluma.

Bex & Jimmy.

Michael and Jimmy.

James and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary being together.


I got a polaroid off etsy. These are all my film cameras.

These are the only two pictures that came out from my polaroid. :[ Sort of.
I have another pack of film for it, so I'm going to adjust the battery and try again.

I fell off my bike and skinned my elbow.

Saw the Giants beat the Phillies with my family.

We saw a dragon.

Christa visited from China! One of the best weekends of the year, it was filled with all sorts of BBQs and fun times. It felt so great to be with a big group of girls doing girl things all weekend.

Me, by Christa.

We saw Reggie Watts.

We got amazing seats to see the Giants beat the Padres. The Giants season pretty much crashed and burned in August. Oh well, looking forward to next season!

I designed and stenciled Jimmy's t-shirt.

Went to Rebecca's birthday.


I drove down to LA with Jimmy and Chris. We went to FYF Fest. I saw the Descendents for the first time. This was really my first time visiting LA that I can remember. We saw the Tim Burton exhibit at LACMA.

Me at FYF Fest, by Julie.

The Descendents! You can sort of see Milo in this one.

From Griffith Park.


Venice Beach.

Jimmy turned 27 and we celebrated at Shalimar.


I spent all month sewing and assembling my Sailor Venus costume.

Me, by James.

James did a photoshoot at Devin & Amy's. And I took pictures of things.

We went to a party at Jackie's.

I started playing on a softball team with some coworkers at the school. We won our first 3 games.

We went to a party at Kristine and Miriam's house.

Witchcraft happened. (Photo by James.)

Justin, by James.

Miriam was a California Raisin. (Photo by James.)

(By James.)

Russell, by James.

(Kristine by James.)

Me, by James. We went to a party at Devin & Amy's and I stopped by Allie's.

Me in our yard, by James.


We celebrated Dia de los Muertos. (Photo by Bex.)

Gabi, by James.

My old flip phone broke, and I had some money saved up, so I made the jump into 21st century technological culture and got an iPhone 4S.

Celebrated Kristine's birthday with tea and youtube videos at her house, and bowling and In N Out in Daily City.

I went home for Thanksgiving.

Took a picture of my tv when Hello Kitty was in the Thanksgiving Parade.

Our cats were cute.

My cousin Charlie and my brother drank some tea together.


I was sick for the first three weeks. I went to UCSF Acute Care twice. I had strep throat, pink eye, and lingering cold-like symptoms.

I started playing Skyward Sword! I'm still working on it because I'm taking my time and doing all the side quests.

James helped me bring our Christmas tree home this year, but I decorated it on my own.

Stopped by Santacon.

I went to a Christmas party at Dave's house. (Photo by Jackie.)

I got a 3 day weekend off for Christmas and it was beautiful!

I got a cool Zippo lighter from my brother, another lens from my camera from the family friend who gave me the camera last year, and some hand-shaped sweater guards and brooches from James and my parents.

Another view of my jewelry.

Mina was being adorable as usual.

I saw this character walking down my street.

It was a bit of a struggle putting this post together (or doing anything on my computer for that matter) because it overheats and crashes every day. I have a feeling I'll be buying a new computer in the next couple months. Luckily I can get a bit of an educator discount from the Apple store! I just hope I can hold out til June so I'll maybe have some birthday money to put towards it.

Last night I had a lovely dinner at Allie's and then saw other friends in the Mission. Fun times.

Happy New Year everyone.

P.S. My instagram username is neonriot. Follow me if you're interested.
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