Feb 18, 2005 16:28
Stores are starting to set up Easter merch so it go me thinking. Easter is the day Jesus is "re born" and comes back from the dead. Correct me if I'm wrong. Well...
"Hey Guys, I'll die for you sins!" doesnt sound too impressive coming from an imortal (one with the ability to come back from the dead).
"Hey I'm going to sacrafice my son's life to show how much I love you." isnt too impressive coming from someone who has the power to give him life again.
thinking more about it...
acording to the bible there are 2 places after death, heaven or hell. Where did jesus go the first time. If he was sent to heaven, oh what a sacrivice, getting sent to PARADISE. And if he was sent to hell, then is dad is an ass.
On a side note, the Easter Bunny is German. Taken from a German childrens story about a bunny who use to hide colorful eggs for lil german kids to find. I guess Zombie Jesus dolls didnt work to good as merchandise for the holliday.
PS. God forgives me for all type-o's and spelling errors in this post.