Nov 04, 2005 09:27
~**~ All About You Interview ~**~
Name: Connie
Middle (Initial is fine): Leigh
Last: Huggett
Age: 14
Birthday: September 18
Location: Washington. 360 baby!!!
Birthplace: In a hospital!
Male/Female: Hmm I’m not sure…. Last time I checked I was female.
1. Do you have any pets? If so name them: Yeah. Cat: Bessie Hamster: Girly and Fish: Yoshi
2. Do you speak more than one different language: Yep.
3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so what is their name? Yes. Daniel who I love so much! ^.^
4. Are you a virgin? …….*sighs* Why?
5. Have you been to any concerts? Yes…
6. How old were your parents when you were born? Mom: 18 Dad: 19
7. What year(s) was your worst year(s) ever? (Ex. 1999): Um. Um. Um. 2002, 2003 and 2004
8. Who was the last person you talked to of the same sex on the phone? Davina
9. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to on the phone? Stephen
10. Who was your recent breakup? *Sighs* Ronnie…
11. Who was the last person you cursed at? …..Ronnie
12. Who was the last person you laughed at? Kevin Because he’s the most desperate person I’ve heard
13. Who was the last person to tell you they loved you? Daniel
14. Who was the last person you hugged? Daniel
15. Who was the last person you kissed? I kissed my cat on the head lol
16. When was the last time you cried? At school yesterday…Because of Ronnie….
17. What was the last thing you said? Ah Shit…
18. What are you listening to? The TV… Rush hour is on lol
19. Who is someone you really love right now? My gorgeous boyfriend Daniel <3
20. Who is your BFF? Davina, Stephen, and Baylen
21. What grade are you in? 8th
22. What school do you go to? KMS
23. Are you in High school? Well no
24. Have you ever had an online relationship? I was young and stupid. I played that stuff like a game. Only once.
25. Have you gotten into a fistfight before? Yeah.
26. Have you gotten into a fistfight with someone the opposite sex? Yeah that’s majority of my fights. Sadly… Lol!
27. Are you eating or drinking anything? No but I am craving Kool-Aid and Twix
28. If you are a girl, before it’s “That time of the month” What foods do you crave? Caesar Salad……. XD
29. If you are a guy, what turns you on the most? I’m not a guy lol!
30. Do you talk in your sleep? Sometimes
31. Do you sleepwalk? Yep lol
32. Do you snore? Only in the summer… I don’t know why??
33. What is your favorite sleeping position? On my sides. Or with Daniel ;-)
34. Your alarm goes off to get ready for school/work. What is the first thing you think or say? I remember waking up saying “God this is stupid!” I say the stupidest things when I am half asleep haha!
35. How old were you when you lost your virginity? I don’t even have to answer this one lol.
36. Do you want kids? Its either Twins, or no kids at all! I want twins.
What is something a little kid said that made you laugh really hard? XD When my cousin Trinity was 2 We gave her a mini snicker bar and she says “These are good Chock-It (Chocolate) Nickers!” xD sounded like she said Niggers lol aww