Let it bleed
And take the red for what it's worth
Watch the fire
Fill your lungs with smoke for the last time
If you feel like dying, you might wanna’ sing.
This weekend was fine. Friday was spent with my loves Meg Manda and Lucy. We shopped, went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday's where our waiter continuously flirted with us all night. We then met up with some hotties such as Joey Tyler Jared Erin Nick and Shaun. Tyler and Erin stayed while the otehrs left and we hung out in Tyler's car. Tyler scared the shit out of Lucy by driving crazy. It was very funny. Saturday I was grounded after a miserable day at work due to me saying "fuck you" to my mom. Yesterday however I was back in the realworld and I was with Janine all day. Edgewood was great to lie out in the sun, and me and her will never look at cookies n cream milk shakes the same<3<3 TODAY school was meh. Afterwards, Meg and Joeyy came over off the bus. I love them dearly. They make me sosososo happy. Goodbye for now.
P.S. JARED IS MY MASTERRRRRR. If you want to buy me, his first going rate is 25cents.
Daquiri's are our weakness.
If Meg was in this, it'd be perfect.
teehee. he's all fuzzyyy