Jul 02, 2011 02:51
Sometimes I almost wish I was more oblivious regarding what my friends do.
Don't read the rest unless you actually want to read about the stupid stuff I observe and put together into plausible situations that could very well happen, but might not be.
T has a tumblr, and a lot of her friends do to, and naturally I like their blogs but I don't "follow" them because I don't know them and it would just be a little awkward so I just stay a lurker on their pages here and there (simply for the fact that, like I said, I like their stuff), but tonight one of them wrote a text post that says (italics are my thoughts while reading the post, regular text is the post by them):
"You have got to be fucking kidding me. You said you were “too tired” to keep your plans with me tonight.
(wonder who it is they wanted to hang with..)
I sat here fucking waiting. Now you’re out with your “long lost love” from seven years ago.
(fuck.. that sucks.)
(shit! T told me that she and that fucktard she were with each other when she was in sixth grade, which is about the age of 11-12, and she's 18 now and has told me he's the only person she's ever truly loved at this point. Seven fuckin' years. I really hope this isn't her.)
Way to lie to me. You could have at least just said “I’m going to hang out with ___”"
Could be anyone, right? Hope so. But it could very well be her this person's talking about.
BUT, then again T wrote something the other day saying she can't wait to say what she needs to say to someone she can't stand anymore (which, I would think, would be directed toward said fucktard from seven years ago.) So maybe, if it was her and she was hanging out with him, she was finally putting her past in her past-
Ok, stopping this over-analyzing right now because shit, this is not my business.
Man, I could really become a good stalker or something.
oi vey,