Nov 11, 2005 17:31

Because I told Karra I would write this!

Title: Gotham, 1986
Author: ...um, duh.
Summary: Donna, Izzy, Michael and Richard spend a week in Gotham.

Michael and Izzy went a few days ahead of Richard and Donna; Michael had business in Gotham, while Richard was going to be there for a convention. The girls were more or less going along as convenient excuses -- "Just a holiday with my daughter" and "No, Nancy, would I take Donna if I were going to be cheating on you?" respectively.

"Girls asleep, Ricky?"

"Curled up like puppies. Kittens? Girls should be kittens--"

"An' I thought I was the one drinkin' tonight."

Listening at the door, Izzy and Donna exchanged a look. "They aren't gonna check on us," Donna said, confidently.

"Y'think?" Izzy snorted, and gave her blonde friend a shove. "Go get your shoes."

The pair vanished back into their hotelroom to retrieve shoes and coats, and then it was time for sneaking out of the hotel. They'd passed a park earlier in the day that looked vaguely similar to their usual hang out back in Seymour, and made plans to sneak back late that night with a bottle of whatever they could find in Michael and Richard's suitcases.

They took the sky train to the park, and then found an out of the way spot to sit down. Izzy opened the vodka, and Donna lay down in the grass, resting her head in her friend's lap. "To...stupid parents," Izzy said, lifting the bottle.

"No, no, no. To stupid fathers. Did you see the look on Daddy's face when they got photographed?"

"Yeah, I saw. He looked like someone just stuck his balls in a vice."

"No wonder they were drinkin' when we got back to the hotel."

"They got some pictures of you, too." Izzy poked Donna. "You'll be famous."

"Hah. Famous in Gotham, maybe. For havin' a real crazy daddy."

They passed the bottle back between each other, momentarily lost in their own thoughts. Donna broke the silence. "Do you think they're ever going to...I don't know, stop sneakin' around? I mean. They used to talk about goin' away for good...what happened to that?"

"Donna, your mom probably happened to that."

They consider that for a while.

"I'd miss John, anyway. If we ever did go away like they said."

"I'd miss--I really wouldn't miss Frank."

"What's with that, anyway?"

"Do you really want to know, or are you just angling for a deep and meaningful?"

"I'm just askin'."

"Let's not go there."

Donna shrugged, sitting up and hugging her knees to her chest. "What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Same thing as today, I guess. Unless you wanted to go to the convention?"

"Not really. Wanna see if we can get their credit cards?"


When it got colder, the pair made their way back to the sky train. Donna kicked the seat in front of her, humming a few bars of something. "Hey, Donna?"

"Mmm? What?"

"Don't look--DON'T look, but the geek in the glasses is absolutely checking you out."

Donna, of course, looked. She ducked down a bit and giggled, facing Izzy again. "He really is."

"I think you scared him. With the looking. I told you not to look."

She poked her tongue out at her friend, and giggled a little more. "Is this our stop?"

"Yeah, gets us back to the hotel from here--what the hell are you doing?"

Donna howled with laughter, running off the train, tugging her top back down. Izzy chased after her, trying not to giggle, whilst a young man back on the train was rather flustered by the surprise breasts flashed at him by a possibly inebriated Donnatella Paakkonen.

"Wonder if his glasses steamed," Donna snickered, as they walked back to the hotel.

Izzy laughed, and smacked the other girl on the arm.

"They think we don't know they snuck out last night?"

"Of course they do, Ricky. They're teenage girls."

"Should we tell them?"

"Are you kidding?"

ooc, fic

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