
Nov 11, 2005 14:37

So I got a list from LJ of all my journals...and it turns out I have a lot more pups than I thought I did. Check this shit out:

thynameisvanity - Narcissa Mulciber (Finale RPG)
head_girl_for_m - Marietta Edgecombe (Finale RPG)
queen_cordy_g - Cordelia Chase-Giles
theywhispertome - Drusilla Sutcliffe
didntdoithonest - Ethan Rayne
littlebitbad - Dawnie Sanders
decimabites - Emery Featherstonehaugh
emmychase - Emmy Chase Totenkoph
gillythesilly - Gillian whateverthesister'slastnamewas.
littlestinnair - Princess Elwyn Sands
majesticinnair - Queen Innair
rayneonmyparade - Deidre Rayne
mommydarling - Darla Wyndam-Pryce
shewasgreatonce - Ankhesenamen
veryverysorry - Narayana/Laleiora-Deigna
donttellora - Lord Belrande
cissamulciber - Narcissa Mulciber (never used)
eitherwilldo - Narcissa Lestrange
capitalistmagic - Anya Giles
pasfleur - Gabrielle Delacour
mamansnape - Morganna Snape
hereinspirit - Jenny Calendar-Rayne
spawnofstewie - Druie Griffin
hatredandspite - Kathryn Mertuil
quitecharitable - Drusilla Griffin
amarisette - Amarisette
damilyro - Damilyro
evenianamaris - Amaris
anni_laroue - Annye Talgarth
tinypawn - One of Narcissa Lestrange's chesspieces. DIRTY LITTLE BASTARD.
featheredbrat - Ilde Featherstonehaugh
missmulciber - Nadezhda Mulciber, I think. Never used.
deedeeslost - young Deidre Rayne.
sevenandten - Septimus and Decimus Beauchamp
ruthlessqueen - Delia. Deceased.
daddyethan - young Ethan Rayne
lordbyknight - Lord Gairanos de Lacourte and Sir Byronde de Bevien
toujours__noir - Bellatrix Lestrange
tasteslike - Rack
harem_cordy - I think her name was "Tina"...I forget.
greta_stark - Greta Stark
cagedswann - Elizabeth Swann
wesleywatches - Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
memoirsofathief - Hugh Waltham
drdjackson - Daniel Jackson
cuddysboobs - Dr Lisa Cuddy's breasts
rayneonme - Dawn Rayne
miss_l_giles - Lizzie Sanders-Giles
da_dawes - Rachel Dawes
the_fire_rose - Rose something.
eccentricbrat - Chiclet Wenchfeatures
notadisgrace - Evelyn Oram
stroppybitch - Morag Snape
manorborn - Narcissa Malfoy
manor_born - Narcissa Malfoy
dolyn_holsey - Gwendolyn Holsey
prof_lestrange - Professor Bellatrix Lestrange
mslikestofight - Cordelia Giles (young)
durmstrang_brat - Nadezhda "Nadia" Dolohova
thepatriarch - Drusilla Sutcliffe's father
carpe_jugulum_ - Nova Page
sgtstgermaine - Julian St Germaine
littlemissoops - Young Ora? I think.
babywaffle - never used.
wafflejr - Dominica Sheppard
blackmulciber - Nicholas "Niko" Mulciber
buggeringhell - Septimus Beauchamp
liltingsiren - Niamh
littlestblack - Cissa Slughorn
babewithpower - Sarah
lordwyndampryce - Lord Wyndam-Pryce
beautiful_voice - Calliope Chase
lupa__raina - Raina, the nice one.
vampiretriplets - vampire triplets! Julie, James and David.
pas_fleur - Gabrielle Delacour
gonebutnotforgo - never used
wontbeforgot - Bellatrix Lestrange's portrait
_goddamned_ - Satanael
manyoflots - Detritus as a Borg
memoriesindream - a reincarnation of Arwen
_uncharitable_ - Charity Rayne
halberdofhell - Evelyn Halberd
sixtyonereasons - Donnatella Sheppard-Crane
daddysshotgun - Richard Paakkonen
tobeking - Isket, King of Isket
lilbitbad - Dawn Grissom
thetimeschange - Cordelia Chase/Chase Winters
santas_helpers - Santa's Helpers
chaosraynes - Ethan Rayne
lstnfnd - I forgot his name
thelittlestwaif - Elizabeth
hannah28dl - Hannah
shesawaterbaby - Bethany MacCaig
strangepoetry - Rabastan Lestrange
loony_miss_luna - Luna Lovegood
tartanteenwitch - Minerva McGonagall
la_monstre - Gabrielle Delacour's cat, Aphrodite
drowninginriver - Samantha Rivers
thegoverness - Donnatella Paakkonen
teenqueend - Donnatella Paakkonen
thesctwins - Robert and Gillian Sheppard-Crane
lostmyreasons - Donnatella Sheppard
maryalicelucy - Mal Doe
61reasons - Donnatella Sheppard-Crane
regalinnair - Innair, Queen of Isket
porcelaindolly_ - Drusilla
bsmntluvsdisney - BasementOOC
siennoir - Bellatrix Lestrange
withoutreasons - Donnatella Paakkonen
soreasonably - Donnatella Crane
hhufflepuff - Helga Hufflepuff


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