Dec 12, 2007 14:36
So, I haven't had internet at all for 2 weeks as of tomorrow. Cabl;e guy came out on Sunday morning. Couldn't do anything because everything was readng fine on the inside stuff, and he gave me a new modem...but he said it must bge a problemn outside, which their maintance men do, so he was gonna have them out asap. He said he'd try for by that niht, and when it still wasn't working, I called. They said they scheduled for Monday morning since I dind't actually have to be there, since they were just doing outside stuff. Alright. I et home from work MOnday night and still nothing. I call....I get bounced arounf from about 6 different people and I get to the local office and they tell me it's scheduled for TUESDAY morning....Ok, then WHY did the woman Sunday night tell me MONDAY morning...whatever. Alright. Oh, and she said just incase, she wanted a tech to be able to look at it, so now I have yet ANOTHER appt scheduled for the 19th from 6-8pm...UGH! BUT...I hoped for the best that it would be working if the outside stuff got fixed. So, I get home from work yesterday and still nothing. I'm pissed. Also, my digital cable isn't working right either. I onl;y have the box in the living room tv, so the tv in my room is fine. I'm about to tell Time Warner to fuck off and get AT&T cable or satalite. But, ONLY if I'd still have LOGO!! lmao My grandma has satalite and she doesn't get LOGO, so But, I'd have a different company and maybe I can find a package that has all the networks I NEED...SoapNet, The-N, LOGO, BBC, and so on and so forth lol I'm really pissed though. I didn't call back because I have that appt schedule for next wed, but I probably should....even if just to talk to the billing people cuz my account is already credited for 10 days from when the internet went out, and I never did make sure it would still be decucted until it starts working again...and that's just that I actually paid attention to my digi cable box, I know it's fucked up (which it wasn't over the weekend, so that's fairly recent) maybe I can get something off the cable deducted too...I'm ALL about a smaller bill! lmao...However...I'd rather the BOTH be working Perfectly and pay the $91!! lol
Anyway...At work I've officially got preschool!@ Finally! This week. Started on Tuesday cuz we were short staffed on Monday. Yesterday I only had Alyssa and Hayley and they made me wanna shoot myself! GOD THEY DON'T LISTEN...SPECIALLY HAYLEY!! Deanna sent me, Kate, Mandy, & Carla to a seminar on Saturday, a teaching was 5hrs and in Independence(near Cleveland)...but we got paid for it lol It was REALLY GOOD and I walked out of there with TONS of ideas and feeling refreshed and actually feeling that I could actually BE a preschool teacher....then yesterday and today happened! lol Well, today was a little better, but eh. Alyssa was better, Hayley was a monster and Alexandra was precious as usual lol My theme this week is music, so I'm doing something I know well and love and I got through to them a little more today then yestyerday. I broughy my flute and piccolo in to show them....big hit lol Yesterday was pianos and I wanted a keyboard but I couldn't find mine and dind't feel like buying one, and my foot piano which they woulda LOVED didn't work, which really PISSED ME OFF!!!! lol But, I'm getting there. I had a really good idea this morning when I was getting ready for work that would be GOLDEN, but I need a cute fab puppet. I want a couple puppets, cuz the lady at the seminar kept saying how much puppets work and stuff. SHe gave us all these kewl ideas to help the kids learn and focus and says to introduce them at circle time. Yeah, welll....Hayley is horrible during circle time and won't focus for shit. She and Alyssa find it physicall impossible to sit still for more than 10seconds and it's really starting to piss me off lol I'm trying to be calm and fin. Hopefully when we get more kids it'll get a little long as those kids can sit down and listen lol We were supposed to get a 5yr odl boy this week, but no I dunno...and there 3 others that Deanna's been trying to get ahold of, so I dunno. But, watching To Sir With Love and Mary Poppins helps a least in theory...ya know, when I'm at home with tons of ideas and thinking how I'm not gonna let them get to me....but then I come to work and they're all INSANE and I go crazy and lose all patience lol
We have a new teacher that started this week. There was one that started last week, too, for Toddlers....She was there on Monday(1/2 day cuz the first half was spent filling out paper work in the CHC building across the street, and getting her physical and stuff)...then Tiesday...she came in a 8am. ON Wed morning she called Deanna at 7am and quit....too stressful..Omg, seriously!?!? lol Yeah, tehy get on my nerves too, and I wanna scream, but I'm not letting a freaking TWO YEAR OLD get the best of me and quit my job! Granted, I almost quit magic's after 1 week in teh preschool room, but I was LOOKING FOR A NEW job first, and I probably coulda had one at The Boys & Girls Club, but then I bonded with the kids and didn't wanna quit, and they only time they pissed me off after that was naptime lol break's almost up. I'm going INSANE without internet!!!!! >:o Seriously, I'll give it til my appt next Wed and see what happens, then if they tell me the same thing about maintance outside and all that, I'm gonna be like, I went through that last week, and I'm, getting SICK of It, and I'm about to cancel Time Warner all together....But, amyeb I'll get lucky and have the Fab cable guy I had last month...who came at night, was there for about an hour and a half, and was hot and flirty the entire time lol...and Actually FIXED it lol....although, it's fucked again, but I think it IS an outside thing, so they need to get it together. I think I will call tonight and see if anyone actually came out to check the outside stuff out. UGH! Anyway, yeah, gotta go now!
T.T.F.N. :-*