skip this, its boring!

Jun 07, 2007 09:04

time to write about shit that interests no one but myself [and jessica! because shes a pro at this stuff.]. i started a new detox yesterday, its four weeks long and during each week you detox one of the major systems. kidneys, lymph, bowel, skin/lungs/blood. there will be no eating of processed sugar, processed foods, wheat or soy [im opting to cut soy out for the 4 weeks, its not really part of the detox. ] the point of the detox is to cleanse the major organs of toxins, break myself of caffiene addiction, and my addiction to two hour naps everyday. hopefully by giving my body a break from things that make it work harder than it has to, ill feel rejuvinated and energized. the detox integrates whole foods [raw and cooked vegetables, lots of fruits, legumes, etc.] with specific loose herbal tea blends that help pull toxins from your body.

i started cutting down on how much coffee i was drinking about a week and a half ago. i began cutting out the third cup that id drink mid-afternoon to give myself a boost, eventually cut out the second cup that id drink the morning. then i cut the first cup i'd drink in the morning by half, and then move onto earl grey tea. and then made it to strictly drinking one cup of earl grey tea in the morning with honey. the withdrawls havent been severe with this method, though the biggest change is noticed is my amount of energy that i have mid-afternoon. i feel completely wiped, hence the two hour naps have become an almost everyday occurance when i have the time for them. on this detox, im only supposed to be drinking lemon water and green/herbal teas in the morning, but i dont think i can handle that yet with my 9am classes.

yesterday [day 1] went really well. i didnt find it hard to stick to the detox, it was mostly drinking the tea that bothered me, because some of the herbs [particularily: buchu] tastes fucking SICK. but i sweeten the tea a bit with stevia and chug it down, trying not to breath it in.

items that were consumed:
lemon water
black tea
two apples
handful of strawberries, and of blueberries, and cherries.
dandelion leaf/peppermint/buchu/cleavers tea [sick.]
one peach
one banana
huge salad for lunch with flaxseed oil dressing [broc, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, dried cranberries, almonds, other random veg.]
one avocado mid-afternoon.
dandelion leaf/peppermint/buchu/cleavers tea [sick.]
steamed kale and broccoli with brown rice.

another problem i can imagine encountering is just the amount of food im supposed to be eating. of course its all healthy, so its not about weight gain. but physically eating so much food is challenging, but part of the detox is almost about flooding your system with so many good nutrients to help it get rid of all of the bad shit. i feel pretty amazing this morning [day 2].
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