Who i am and where i am, March 2013

Mar 25, 2013 01:38

So it's been...a while since i updated this thing. Here goes.

Grad School: It goes. I have three more months til graduation. During that time i'll write many, many papers, write another 15 pages of my thesis, make a music video, and moderate a panel at C2E2. Because i am a nerd. Also apparently a glutton for punishment.

Rob and i are in the midst of a divorce. Many of you already knew this. But this, and grad school, have been the defining aspects of the past year. Obviously neither of us is happy about it, but we're trying to be reasonable human beings and act like adults, and salvage our friendship. One of the standard jokes around the University of Chicago (#4 school in the country, donch'a know) is that grad students "get a diploma and a divorce." Well, hell. Now i feel like a statistic.

I chopped all my hair off. Here, have a photo.

I still read and comment on journals here. Seriously. I love every damned one of you.
Meanwhile, you can find me at: http://www.facebook.com/johnny.grey
or follow my ridiculous grad student adventures at: http://johnnygreyart.tumblr.com/

life, skool!, update, divorce

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