Aug 31, 2012 00:51
As the subject suggests, I went and saw the remake of Total Recall tonight. The trailers didn't excite me and I was a little annoyed they remade this old favorite of mine, but I wanted to see it anyway and figured theater would be the way to go since it looked to be an effects fest. Surprisingly, I ended up really liking it. I loved the visually cool future world it takes place in much like I loved the world 5th Element took place in and like how young Jeremy loved the world in Back to the Future II. I also like the cast and enjoyed the action and chase scenes, of which there are many. I hate to say it, but after Fright Night and now this, I'm actually starting to like Colin Farrell as an actor.
This marked the first time I went to a movie by myself since I saw the Tailor of Panama back in like '99 or 2000. Total Recall has been out for a while now and it's down to just one theater and one showing (9:50) in town, so I figured I better catch it while I can. And it was nice. It was just me and a random young couple in the theater and I'll probably start going to movies by myself more often since a few of my friends like to go on short notice and I don't like to have to drop everything to join them. Plus, practically live across the street from the theater.
Anyway, enough rambling. Bedtime.
colin farrell,
total recall