Life's little ways of keeping you humble

Jun 02, 2006 14:08

Life has a funny habit of humbling you sometimes eh?

Most of this week I’ve been a bit down. My triathlon training hasn’t been going well and on Tuesday an old lower back injury flared up (long story, inevitably involving rugby).

By Wednesday morning it had started affecting one of the muscles running through my arse and across my hip and also one of my groin adductors, which was pinging a bit. I had to actually pick up my left leg to lift it in and out of the shower. Anyway, had fun and games with the stairs at work and used ibuprofen and a long warm-up to get through Wednesday night’s touch game. I’ve had this injury so many times that I’ve pretty much learned what I can and can’t do and how long it will last.

Yesterday it was very sore again and last night I took loads of ibuprofen and sat in the sauna for an hour or so to flush the system. Today it’s quite a bit better and the groin has settled.

ANYWAYS, I was wandering about town at lunchtime, in a day-dream and feeling sorry for myself when a severely handicapped guy not much older than me walked along in front of me to get to the lights. One of those people for whom every step is obviously a real effort and potentially a source of ridicule from dickheads.

Man I felt humbled. Here I was whining about a pissy little lower back and groin inflammation and a bit of pain, and the fact that it was impeding my training.

On the way back to work I noticed at least five elderly people bent over walking sticks, one person in a wheelchair and another severely handicapped guy about my age.

I definitely had one of those moments when I say to myself: “Si, shut the fuck up and get on with it.”

I hope this entry doesn’t sound patronising or pitying or self-absorbed. Just sharing a thought really.
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