Savage Brainstorming: Rifts Tokanii

Oct 04, 2016 13:38

The Tokanii hail from a primitive world which had the misfortune of being struck by a large asteroid. The catastrophic drop in temperature caused by debris particles blocking out the sun resulted in the death of millions. Total extinction was averted when the shamans of two different tribes joined in their efforts to open up a rift to escape through. Not surprisingly, they ended up on Earth, specifically the part of Texas claimed by the Pecos Empire. The rough and tumble lifestyle of the area was one they found agreeable and they have thrived ever since.

Armored (1): Tokanii are covered with bone-like plating which provides two points of Armor.

Bad Reputation (-1): Tokanii are notorious for their uncompromising brutality and have -2 Charisma when interacting with civilized folks.

Distinctive D-Bee (-2): Tokanii are naturally armor-plated and hulking, as well as possessing a generally demonic appearance.

Keen Eyes (1): Tokanii receive a +2 to all vision-based Notice rolls.

Night Vision (1): Tokanii ignore Lighting penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.

Non-Standard Physiology (-1): Tokanii find most armor, vehicles, etc. designed for humans to be a tight squeeze.

Size +1 (1): Tokanii average seven to nine feet in height and have a bulky build.

Sturdy (2): Tokanii have a starting Vigor of d6 instead of d4.

savage brainstorming, rifts

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