Sep 24, 2016 13:29
The Naut'Yll are a race of aquatic D-Bees intent on interdimensional conquest, with Rifts Earth as one of their targets. While they were able to establish a foothold during the chaos of the Dark Ages, recently it hasn't gone very well. Every major engagement with the various powers of the high seas has ended in humiliating defeat. Were it not for the vastness of Earth's oceans (as well as the unwillingness of said high seas powers to cooperate), they likely would have been driven off long ago. Adding insult to injury, many of their kind have gone rogue, with the largest such community to be found on the artificial island of Tritonia. Such defections are especially common among those possessing Arcane Backgrounds, who tend to be less receptive to the military indoctrination that is part of a Naut'Yll's upbringing. In spite of these setbacks, the Naut'Yll remain persistent in their efforts.
Aquatic (2): Naut'Yll are most at home in the oceans. They are capable of breathing underwater and receive a free d6 in Swimming.
Dependency (-2): A Naut'Yll takes a level of Fatigue for every twenty-four hours in which he doesn't spend at least one hour immersed in water. An hour of immersion restores a level of Fatigue gained that way.
Distinctive D-Bee (-2): Naut'Yll look like a miniature wingless Cthulhus.
Environmental Resistance (Cold) (1): Acclimated to the chilly ocean waters, Naut'Yll receive a +4 in resisting the effects of cold.
Military Upbringing (1): Naut'Yll start with a free d6 in either Fighting or Shooting.
Under Pressure (2): Living in the pressures of the ocean depths gives a Naut'yll a starting Vigor of d6 instead of d4.
Arcane Background (Koral Shaping)
The Naut'Yll are capable of learning any Arcane Backgrounds that aren't restricted to specific races. One form of magic native to their kind is known as Koral Shaping. This involves the manipulation of the secretions of a mollusk native to their homeworld known as korallyte. Korallyte is highly responsive to Potential Psychic Energy, which can be used to cause a number of interesting effects. Otherwise, it functions the same as the Magic Arcane Background from the Savage Worlds Core Book, with access to the following powers (all of which have a korallyte manipulation trapping): armor, barrier, blind, bolt, burst, deflection, entangle, growth, obscure, pummel, slow, smite, and wall walker.
savage brainstorming,