Second episode of Quantum Tavern is up, plus we're now on iTunes! If you want to hear me and Eric ramble on about giving movies we didn't like a second chance (me: "A Streetcar Named Desire," him: "The Exorcist") give it a listen. Also, this time it's shorter, a little over an hour and a half instead of over two.
Next time, we're talking Fringe :-D
I'll stop doing the update posts after this one, since now we're actually on iTunes and searchable. (I might do another one if we get an actual website or blog set up.)
I had more to say but it's almost time for me to go home. Please remember to check out
my Extra Life donation page and @LPlaysExtraLife for upcoming news! ...which is some of the stuff I had more to talk about, but making polls takes time and I'd rather go home and eat dinner, SO.