Mar 15, 2011 20:08
I'm making some significant strides in making my career goals become a reality. I've been in discussions with a local community college about becoming an adjunct faculty member there and hopefully that will come to fruition for the fall semester. I visited the college and went to a class with the woman I had been in contact with and I really enjoyed it. From what I can tell, they are glorified high school teachers which is JUST what I want. The kids are older than high schoolers, so they are less crazy and stupid and actually seemed interested in learning, but they aren't full of themselves and ignore the professor like some 4 year college punks on their iPhones and Daddy's buck. In addition to that, to teach there you don't need any kind of credential that you need for high school teaching (perfect) and that I don't have the time or patience to get (I HATE education classes... and don't have time to quit my job for 6 months to student teach for the required amount of time...) So it seems pretty perfect, and I have basically confirmed that I have found the right fit for myself.
So now I just have to see if they'll hire me on. Here's hoping. As an adjunct I would probably teach 1 night class so it wouldn't conflict with my job, and I will be getting the experience I will need for a full time position once Matt graduates and we move somewhere more permanent. So yea, thats my career plan, and I just have to get ONE chance to get my foot in the door and get more experience and once that happens I'm golden. Plus, it'll be cool to be a "professor" in any form :)
Well then now that thats on track.. everything else is coming along too I guess. Work is fine, the dog is great (and twitching in his sleep on the couch next to me), Matt is fine, on spring break now and working a shift or two at the vet clinic. I just got back from a fun weekend in DC with the sistas annnd this weekend I think we're just taking it easy around Philly with the pup. I just paid off the cruise we are going on in June and I'm really excited for my first vacation in at least 3 or 4 years. I went to Europe in 2006 but honestly that was with my family and I was deathly ill for almost all of the trip so it hardly counts.
This apartment is so dirty! I have to go back to working on this powerpoint presentation that I'm making to submit as part of my adjunct application.. On it!