Title: World At War
sisterxshotgunFandom: Heroes
Characters/Pairing: Petrellicest, although it's mostly only talked about at the end.
Table: Hurt/Comfort for
10iloveyouPrompt: Apart
Rating: PG-13 for brief sexual references.
Warnings: Incest
Word Count: 854
Summary: In a desperate time almost a hundred years in the future where the world is so at war that even the animals and the weather are allying with different sides, Peter keeps his faith by remembering his brother.
Notes: Dedicated to
my_0wn_madness because when I started writing this, I wasn't sure if this was going to be fandom specific or not even though I had Peter in mind the whole time, and then she asked me if it was a Petrelli drabble. So I decided what the hell, why not? I have to get started on my
10iloveyou writings anyway.
The world is at war, Nathan. In ways you could never have imagined when you were alive. In ways I could never have imagined back in the day. I honestly almost long for the troubles I had back then - that we had back then. To think, it was so many decades ago now. I wish I could choose to give up this immortality I'd promised to share with your daughter, but every time I see her face, I know I have to keep her power. I can't leave her here in this cruel world at war.
The wind is recruiting, the grasses are choosing sides, and it's impossible to tell when the climate is on your side, or when it's with someone else's. There is no cut and dry. There are only terrifying alliances. Different types of a single species are splitting down the middle, trying to find a fighting chance with whatever side they feel is the strongest or the most cunning. People are fighting people. Animals are fighting animals. Animals and people are slaughtering one another. Even the weather and the plants are raging. If I could die, walking down the streets, I would have by now.
Tonight, the wind is calm, but I still glance back over my shoulder for any spare foxes. In this war, it is impossible to not choose a side - even if there's no possibility of you losing or dying - and I did not choose theirs. I am always on edge that they will find me because their offer was so incredibly tempting and their allies are strong, but it would have meant leaving Claire, so I declined. She and a select few others are the only things I have left, the only reminders of the live I once lived - that I once thought was difficult. I couldn't abandon her. And if they catch me off guard...they could take me away from her.
I let out a sigh of relief as I make my way home. This is the only place I can breathe. This house. No one else enters or leaves, and it's just the two of us - not that there's much left of her anymore, sitting in that chair and staring forward, so tired with this world and what it has come to. I trudge tiredly over to her, and whisper that I'm home. I can hear her neck crack as it shifts to look at me. A smile pulls at her lips, but her eyes are still as dead as they have been for the past ten or so years, when she gave up on this war. I used to look at her and see life, I used to look at her and see you, see the man I'd loved with so much of my being that it had terrified me at the time. Now the memories are a comfort I would never give up. But for her - I'm almost glad she's this way now, keeping herself distanced from this world, this war. She's been through so much, she's lead battles that made me shudder, and she didn't even flinch in going into them. She's had enough. I kiss her soft hair and sit in the chair by the window, staring outside at the calm night, knowing in the morning it will be a field of blood and anarchy. I'm surprised it isn't chaos right now. I am thankful that tonight is still.
It's crazy to say this because you've been dead for almost a hundred years, but you're the reason I keep going. The reason why I haven't given up on this world. Because you wouldn't want me to. You know how I am - I want to save this place, however grim it may look. And every day I shake my head and I don't think I can do it, but you are shielding that small part of me that still desperately wants to save the world.
And I wish you could be here with me, to make me look away from the death that is destroying the planet because on my own I can't tear my eyes from it. But I also am glad you aren't, because I would never wish this hell on you, Nathan. Never. If anything, I wish that I could go back to the place I go when I close my eyes. Back to the days before this war, back to the days before the first war, before that first eclipse. When my biggest worry was wondering if someone would walk in on the heated kisses and lovemaking we were too desperate to hide. This is the safest place in the world, the place I go with you when I close my eyes.
Sometimes I can feel your hands pressing on my shoulders, pulling me close, and that mental relief of your presence at the end of every day makes it worth it.
That last day on the rooftop, I promised you I would continue to be the good in this world, Nathan. There is no way I am quitting now.
This was kind of inspired by the play I'm in, only the play doesn't go into any detail. And yeah. I don't know. It was weird. It just sort of spilled out XDD I was going to make it ambiguous even though I always had Peter in my head, but then I just decided to make it some weird future for the Heroes characters that could possibly survive. Sylar's around, too, I just didn't really want to include him at the moment. I felt it would only be fitting to have Peter and Claire live together...for some reason. Blah. Oh well.
My AIM screenname got leaked to a bunch of people at my university that I don't want to talk to, so I might be changing it soon. Just a heads up for all of you who talk to me online. :)
I love you all! ♥