Jan 01, 2007 19:09
It's been a long time since I've posted, and I'm actually more interested in reading my friends page. But before I get to that, I felt complelled to make a small post.
All here is okay. Kid one's HBA1C is down, even with the new routine of school. We are taking the first steps towards pumping, and look forward to that next step this summer.
Teaching continues to amaze and please me. I'm glad I took the job, even though I was petrified at first.
Teaching 3rd grade with my oldest sister teaching 4th in the same school is sometimes odd, but it's okay as well.
I really like the friend I've made with the vice principal. He's a hoot, and I hope the friendship continues to grow. I don't think his wife is happy with me, actually she's made it clear she doesn't even want to know me (I'm new, and easily ignored) It makes me laugh.
The holiday's were fine for us, finally winding down. We babysat my brother in laws 3 kids for the whole week, and boy do they have a different upbringing....good experience for all of us, not sure if I want to repeat it.
Made a point to re-read Alas Babylon. One of my favorite books, and my sister got it for her birthday. Makes me hungry for the new book, The Road. Since I got a gift card for Borders, I'm off to there tomorrow to see if they have it, and any other new 'end of the world' sci-fi. If you've read any good stuff in this same genre, please offer suggestions. Thanks.
Hope everyone who reads here is doing well.
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