OK, so it's been a while sine I've posted an update, or come to read the Blogs I've faved and say hi to my friends, and I really have to apologise for this...
I have no real excuse for this... Except, I wrote and posted a Fan Fic on Teaspoon. I should get around to posting a link here sometime... When I get around to fixing the link to my sweet heart's fan vid - which she won 2 awards for Yay! - and adding her latest, I will. Perhaps by then I'll have a few of my own vids posted, or a link to my channel.
I've been working on a few Fanvids for DW all this time too. Very absorbing stuff. I've been studying the software and toying with ideas for over a year now, and I finally have it down enough to do something constructive with it, so I've been running with it. Film was always my first love, after all, and I'd still be doing it professionally if I didn't have to move somewhere I dislike to do so. It's really nice to have this creative outlet again after... Ummm.... has it really been 12 years already? Where does the time go?
Also, my next review will be "Genesis of the Daleks", and ... well, it's kind of scaring me and creating a block. Yes, it's a scary story, but that's not what I mean. It's just so very relevant. To everything in the Doctor's life from this point on... I think he regrets the events in this episode more than anything else in his life, even now. Especially now, if you've seen this season's finale already. I won't say more, because some people haven't and have been carefully avoiding being spoiled. I certainly was, and came so close to having it ruined I gave in and DLed the episodes to watch them. *sigh*
Anyway, all of this is just making this review really hard to write. I'm having such a hard time getting through it, I've been avoiding it entirely. I really need to stop that.
I promise I will have it written and up by the end of the summer - whether or not I finish one of my Vids first. At least then the finale will have aired over here and I can maybe talk about more of the current incarnation's recent events in it. That may make it easier... I hope.
Meanwhile, if I finish any of my Vids, I'll start updating the links right away. Otherwise I'll do it after I post the next review. I may come back to just post something random like this before then, too.
If people are interested in learning about how to make Fan Videos, I'd like to recommend
Foolish Passion Fan Video Forum. They have great tutorials there that are fast and easy to follow - in plain english. They have some fantastic Vidders from many different fandoms, and always welcome more. Hi to my friends there!
I'd also like to say hi to some new friends who have faved my blog. I wish I could read yours, but I don't even recognise the alphabets they're written in. :( Hopefully, though, you can read mine, if you've friended me. :) I don't know who you are, but welcome!
Have a great night everyone, and I hope you've had a great summer so far!