Happy birthday
millefioriI was reading a thread on HP4GU today--naturally a long-running thread that I think started with the question of Dumbledore's placing Harry with the Dursleys and it echoed Sirius' life in a weird way for me, in a Meta-way. It started as a conversation about just what business it was of Dumbledore's to decide who Harry lived with.
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Frankly, I think Albus considered Sirius a bad influence. (Molly clearly did.) He may have even asked Lupin to try to keep his friend under some sort of control. At which he failed miserably.
He makes himself come off far too well in the speech
I don't know, maybe it's that I don't seem to expect that much from people, but the way he talks about his mistakes --to me-- is the way that a man talks about things about himself he only knows too well. Like when I say I'm snarky, or somewhat insensitive, though I try to better myself and learn to sympathize with people's emotions and shit. Harry is the one who got disappointed because he expected DumbleD to be omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Dumbledore knows that he's a brilliant fuck up. He makes AT LEAST one gargantuan mistake a year, and had been saved by Harry's infamous luck again and again. He'd been sliding by because nothing of this magnitude had happened yet that could be directly linked to him. It's like most fans forgave him Quirrel and Cedric and whateverthefuck else, until Sirius, but that's what the speech was about. IMO It's like, was everyone sleeping while I made one mistake after another?
I don't think he came off badly in that speech, he just has never been perfect and now that it's out for everyone to see he's not going to beat himself in the chest and recite Mea Culpa.
Can you imagine Mrs. Black being nice to the house elves? Hello, let's cut their heads off! Sirius' rudeness must have been as nothing.
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