First day back at College for me. Right now I'm blogging during my lunch break like a true geek/nerd. So far classes seem like they will go well, I havent attended my final class of the day yet which starts in 2 hours. So since I still have no viable transportation to and from school (let's not talk about how many times I've failed the driving test now) and I dont intend to walk 3 miles to get to my house. I'm stuck here. Perfect opportunity to blog about Sunday's episode of True Blood!
True Blood 09: This week's ep was INCREDIBLE. I remember reading a very glowing review about ep 9 a few days before it aired, in a tv mag I forgot which one but it was full of awe and respect for the series and I was like is she talking about the same show I'm watching? Cause I love true blood it's alot of fun but I'd never describe it as deep or meaningful but the reviewer did. After I saw this episode I understand why she did and she is totally right. True Blood was elevated to a whole other level Sunday night and I was impressed and let me tell you flist I am not easily impressed at all. This episode was game-changing, heartbreaking and completely elevated my opinion of the show (as well as the writers, actors, & alan ball) and what it could be. Basically if you're on my flist and dont watch this show, I'd recommend you start now because I think it's totally worth it to get to this point. Especially Season 2 itself has been very enjoyable whereas S1 I felt was nice but didnt become must see television for me until the final few eps of that season.
Highlights of the episode:
*Eric acting/fake dying when he’s asking Sookie to suck the bullets out, but then starts smiling hand behind his head when she’s sucking on his chest. HIGH-LARIOUS.
*OMG THAT DREAM SEQUENCE WITH ERIC AND SOOKIE. I TAKE BACK ANY BAD THING I EVER SAID ABOUT THIS PAIR. My favorite part? When he laughs and says “Greedy…I love it!” And the way he keeps kissing her hands? *DIES* I seriously needed to collect myself after that scene I totally got flustered which NEVER happens with Sookie/Bill I must say :( but Maybe that's more to do with Alex than anything else.
*NAN FLANAGAN. Hardcore Vamp Bitch. She needs to team up with Pam and run the world.
*Hoyt standing up to his momma! WOO!
*Awesome Lafayette beating the shit out of huge eggs and then tossing Tara on his back and taking her out of that hell house. My God what a COOL scene. Just when I thought Laffy couldnt be more badass!
*Sookie and Jason bonding &hearts. I really loved that. The great thing about this show is how it focuses just more on the bonds between people, humanity, family and love than it does supernatural antics and sex.
*Eric CRYING. That was so intense and moving, when he was begging, BEGGING godric and completely losing his shit and high pitched crying in swedish I just couldnt contain it I totally teared up too! Darn you Skarsgaard why did you have to be pretty AND talented!?
*Godric's death on the rooftop and sookie being there with him. Powerful stuff and Allan Hyde KILLED that role. He made Godric so sympathetic and likable and I'm really gonna miss that little guy. He is totally vampire Jesus. Dying to cleanse the sins of all vampires. Will his death change the way vampire kind lives for now on? Probably not. But it sure was moving!
I will also say now I do enjoy the Mary Ann storyline and amazed at how most people cant stand it. It is a fascinating storyline and character when you actually pay attention closely to who Mary Anne is and more importantly what she represents, WHY she's so evil, WHY she's a bad thing. Like the philosophy that she goes by, why is it so bad and is it in fact all bad? (cause I think in fact it's not) Mary Ann is bad and must be stopped not cause she wants to enslave earth or kill all humans or open a portal to hell or some stereotypical supernatural villain shit but because she is a vision of selfishness, hedonism and chaos.
Her beliefs and philosophies about life are in fact not so bad in moderation. Just knowing and accepting the primal side of ourselves, the need to sometimes let it out and give into/engage our senses and not denying ourselves are deepest desires and not letting others infringe upon our happiness. In moderation, tempered with self discipline and awareness, these are all great suggestions for how to live. In the excess that she encourages everyone to engage in, however, it is truly destructive, vulgar and frightening. Pure chaos. In Mary Ann's ideal world, society would not be more free, rather it would simply not exist AT ALL. and It's these extremes that make Mary Ann a true villain. It's basically a much IMHO different way of presenting evil and in fact Mary Ann showed alot of passion and conviction in her speech to Tara in this episode about losing control and setting yourself free, about ascending to a higher plane of consciousness. She seemed to be moved while speaking about the mystics of various religions and their efforts to connect with the divine. In Mary Ann's mind, the inhibitions she is stripping away from people and making them connect with their more primal selves allows them to better connect with God which in this case is Mary Ann herself though she is not a God but rather a Maenad (a creature from greek myth, google it) but she is the closest thing to a deity in bon temps right now, so practically like a God then. Basically in Mary Ann's mind she is saving everyone, making everyone happier in becoming her disciples. She's a really fascinating complex antagonist and that's my favorite kind. So I really cant tell why so many people hate this storyline cause if you look at it beyond the surface it's not just all town orgies, crazy parties and Mary Ann traipsing around talking about feelings to everyone and feeding people creepy food like "hunter souffle".
Also a meme! Been meaning to do this one for a while:
Ask me my fannish Top Five [Whatevers]. Any top fives. Doesn't matter what, really! And I will answer them all in a new post.
You can really ask me about ANY fandom. My fandoms have spread across at least 3 continents (america, europe, asia) so really you can ask me my faves for just about anything from any medium and I'll probably be able to come up with some kind of answer.