gilesandperks OMG what? there is a Supersizers lj community!? That is AWESOME! *immediately joins*
and You guys have me convinced! I am so watching North & South now...or rather after I finish up Gossip Girl S2. but soon oh yes :D Speaking of GG, Just when I think Blair cant get any more crazy or Chuck cant get anymore hot. it HAPPENS. This show is basically the best thing ever, even though it can be really dumb sometimes and has no concept of the time space continuum or basic physics and Dan is still a huge douchebag but it doesnt matter cause Serena is always awesome no matter how many sucky bfs she ends up with. and one day I may actually say something coherent and somewhat profound about this show, but today is not that day.
Anyway, flist I need your help! now that I am part of a certain comm, I have access to all sorts of bbc period drama goodness so I ask you oh wise and wonderful flist. What BBC period dramas (or any kind of period dramas really I aint picky. but let's stay within europe for the mean time) would you guys recommend to me? Dont worry about if I've seen something or not before just rec me your favorites!
Leverage 02: this week's leverage was wonderful as only Leverage can be <3 I loved that they got CAUGHT in the middle of their con! That never happens and it startled the bejeezus out of me and I started to wonder wtf is gonna happen now. I also totally worried for eliot and I did not want to see him in pain ;_; no not his beautiful yet rugged face! But really what was the best about them getting caught was HOW they got caught and by who.
It was simply the local yokel's brother. Not to say that the main villains were dumb, they werent, but they werent especially clever and they were actually not nearly as big and bad as many of the team's other marks and YET they fell to these guys. I think Hardison was the most personally taken aback and upset by the whole thing, but he got his kicks in the end <3 The scenes with Sophie and Eliot were really powerful. I love when we have an episode that focuses on one of the team member's pasts or their issues. and Eliot and Parker remain the characters that I find the most mysterious because Eliot comes off as a tough guy but it's obvious there's to him than that and we also dont know how or why he got into his profession, with the others you can kind of guess but with Eliot it's not readily obvious since all things considered he comes off as pretty normal and mellow except when he's working with the team in which case he's irritated most of the time lol. but who can blame him he's surrounded by weirdos. He and Parker really are the ones I want to learn about the most, and I feel like though we know how parker is now well enough we really dont know as much as how she's got the point she is at and if she's ever had a real friend before the leverage team or went to school like a normal person or was in love or what sort of things she likes beyond money and theft....unless that IS all she likes which is very possible lol. But anyway, the Sophie/Eliot scene was great too cause they definitely dont see eye to eye very often and Sophie's betrayal of sorts of the team from last season seemed to bug him especially.
Also the fight scenes? AWESOME. I always love seeing Eliot's fight scenes and a whole episode devoted to fighting and eliot was like a dream come true or it would have been if there had been more ass kicking via the long haired one but sadly it did not happen the way i wanted. The way the team switched up the con on that bastard guy was perfect and wonderful and gah this show is so awesome ILU show <3 and ILU parker for putting a SAXOPHONE in that guy's trunk. Girl you are so crazy <3
I wanna take a minute to talk about a period movie I saw recently called I am Dina
Which is easily one of the most fucked up things I've seen in a long time. but not THE most fucked up movie I ever saw cause THAT honor will always be reserved to the movie "Osama" which I only recommend if you enjoy feeling like someone stabbed you in the face for several hours after it's over and being haunted by the sounds of creaky buckets for 3 nights in a row. *cough*
Anyway, Dina herself is really talented and brilliant and gorgeous. She could ride horses, keep accounts and manage her money and property very well. She sometimes wore men's clothes but could kick it in ladies frocks too and she was a damn fine musician. Unfortunately, Dina is also bugfuck CRAZY. Which is actually kind of awesome cause it means she does stuff like beat the shit out of her dad for slapping her, writes coded love letters using numbers/math, stays up all night playing cello or fucking her way too old husband, throws his dead corpse down a cliff in a blizzard, nearly commits suicide, falls in love with a Russian anarchist, later kills him AND quite possibly rapes the stable boy/man..several times. It's basically a puccini opera combined with a gothic horror novel combined with various "avante garde" ideas from a hash smoking NYU film student.
It fucked with my head majorly. Because the opening sequence is HORRIFYING. and involves little dina accidentally causing her mother to end up submerged full body into a BOILING PIT OF SOAPY WATER. and omg you do not want to know what happened next. But basically it's no wonder Dina grew up to be INSANE because seriously wtf? and her dad blamed her afterwards too and hated her forever. Yeah it's that kind of movie but I say watch it if you enjoy creepy shit cause it is hella creepy, dina keeps inadvertently (and sometimes intentionally) causing deaths and seeing the ghost of her mom and first husband and it's all very Hitchcockian or something. Basically that's how I spent my morning yesterday and the result was I couldnt eat for hours after but that's more to do with yesterday's rice turning orange when cooked. Resulting in something that looked vaguely like vomit and ground up human innards. I may or may not have ran out of the kitchen screaming...but i still blame the movie for turning my mind into an even more twisted and macabre place than it already is.
Well that wraps up this post! good day to you all XOXO (I will do this until I stop watching gossip girl methinks)