Sep 01, 2010 15:01
Work at 4 today and it’s already 1. Where does the time go? I guess if you don’t go to bed til 2 or 3 in the morning you shouldn’t be surprised when you wake up and your day is gone.
-food run- be back in 20
Myles messaged me on facebook last night and told me that he missed me. It’s been a long time since we were able to have a decent conversation without passive-aggressive mud-slinging and hard feelings. He told me he just missed talking to me as a friend and that we really had some good times in highschool before the post- breakup mutual hatred. I’m inclined to agree. I told him I couldn’t sleep so I was surfing facebook and he told me he was going for a walk and that I should call.
I’m so angry with you, I deleted those txt messages I’d been saving so I can’t reread them anymore. I’m unreasonably angree with you.
I’m dying for a new ear piercing now that my hips don’t look like they’re badly infected. My plan to get them in December and have them healed by summertime was an epic fail.
5:51PM (the previous day) - I am annoyed by everything and today’s deadly sin is Anger. My mantra is “I will not stab my customers in the face”. Contributors to my bad mood:
· Annoyed that Linda felt the need to lecture me about properly doing the cats, and that since Sherry left it hasn’t been done properly. Let’s clarify here: I do the cats properly! I scoop all of the poop and used litter! Not just the surface stuff and pour clean litter over it like some of your other cashiers. I make sure the cats have food and clean water, and I leave extra of both in the kennels that have two occupants. I shake out the towels that have spilled litter on them and I let the cats run around so they have a chance to stretch their legs. I even clean the walls of the kennels when they smear poop on the sides, and I sweep the room when I’m finished cleaning. I also only do cats about three or four times a week. So, the other ten times the adoption center is cleaned every week is where your problem is. I’m sorry you don’t already know that.
· James’s overnight leave was denied. So I’m spending about $700 that I don’t have for two day-trips with my boyfriend who I haven’t seen in almost three months.
· Yesterday while I was bagging crickets for a customer, Sharon reminded me that we need to face after lunches. Really? … Really?! I’ve worked with you for nearly 5 years and you feel the need to remind me that part of my job when doing closing procedures is facing the shelves? Oh, shit. I almost forgot. Thank god you were utilitzing your head, which usually appears to be filled with chipped marbles, so you could remind me that I should be doing my job. What do they even pay you for?
· James is being a typical boy and procrastinating on the things I ask him to do! Like make a playlist of music he misses so I can load it onto my MP3 player and give it to him to cheer him up in the rehab building. He hasn’t got much of anything to do but lay in a cot and talk to his buddies. Or! Like Emailing me the itinerary for the hotel he booked so I know where I’m going. He def hasn’t done either of these even though I’ve been asking all week. But! He did send me the address of the hotel so that’s a baby step in the right direction I suppose.
· Sharon decided that Samantha would face the whole store because she likes to face and I would sit on register my whole shift even though I came in first. I should have been up to me but whatever.
· Denise has my job now. Denise is the lead cashier for the Pasadena store because she’s the only who’s full time and it’s bullshit. Denise doesn’t like cashiering. She doesn’t like dealing with customers or money. She doesn’t know what to do when the register does anything unusual or if she gets to a different screen. Our lead cashier is hella slower and a weaker cashier than pretty much any other person in the department. Now, I love Denise. She’s a sweet, concerned lady and I understand her trouble at home and the pickle she’s found herself in since Hurricane Ike. I wish her and her family all the best but to give her the position of lead cashier is some serious bullshit.
· Mom is on me about colleges as usual. It’s good for me and I do need that push but it is hellllla annoying and I don’t care to hear about it anymore today! Leave me alone, please! I love you, mom, but take 5!
K… sorry for being such a bitch about it (I think Sharon is a really sweet person, but a stupid one). Maybe venting here will help me be in a better mood at work tonight.
I’m really excited about the CA trip even though none of it is playing out how I’d hoped. It’ll probably be a weekend of Seaworld and Sex. James admitted he wanted to go to Lego Land and since I’m the only one in my family that hasn’t been, I told him I was down.
I don’t think I’m going to dye my hair anymore for a while. I decided a few wks ago to grow my hair out for Alaina’s wedding and then cut it pretty short when I get home. Ive decided that if I’m able to, I’m gonna do Locks of Love.
Be Brilliant!