The Boston Babydolls need your help As some of you know, since September of 2008 we've been trying to open a dance studio in Quincy. The purpose of the space is three fold: it gives us a permanent home in which to rehearse and store costumes and props; it gives us a place to teach classes; and it creates another rehearsal space available to other dance troupes - which the great Boston dance community desperately needs.
The Ward 6 City Councilor decided we're Bad People. Since he won't meet with us or speak with us, we don't know exactly what flavor of "Bad" he thinks we are, but he's been making our life hell.
Since September we've fought several expensive legal battles with Quincy and have been forced to jump through some ridiculous hoops. Between the legal fees and the cost of remodeling the space, we're out of money. We don't want to walk away from this, especially when we're so close to victory, but we really can't afford to go forward.
Come see a great burlesque show, buy a t-shirt or a CD, or donate directly to them via PayPal. I sent in $1 - because, YAY FOR LOCAL ARTISTS! These are local people who support local dancers, who support one of the sexiest art forms around - which celebrates the human form and the strength of the person demonstrating its beauty, and who also share rehearsal space with other dance troupes! They are so much more than a strip tease - they do everything from magic to more traditional dance numbers.
So please, help support a local dance troupe! You can find all the info here: And really, if just 10,000 people sent in a dollar, their legal costs thus far to get rehearsal space would be covered!