(no subject)

Aug 17, 2006 09:37

Well, I'm 6 days away from my due date now. Well, my SECOND due date. Based on the day that I guessed was my LMP, I had a date of August 23. My first ultrasound also showed August 23 but I had another soon after that showed August 14, which corresponded better with my measurements. That's the one that I had been using with the OB but when I switched to the midwife, she was basing it on August 23. I would presume that one is more accurate since it's now August 17th.

I really, REALLY didn't think I was going to make it this long. Baby seems content and I haven't been feeling more feelings of her coming any time soon. I haven't been having frequent contractions at all and everything seems to have slowed down. I did have a dream last night that my water broke in Wal-mart though!

I have an appointment today at noon with my midwives. We'll see. Last Thursday I was about 2-2.5cm dialated and 70% effaced.

My dad was originally supposed to make the 10 hour drive last Friday to come and stay with me for a couple of weeks. Due to a change in circumstances, including fundage, he canceled the trip. After a few days of me freaking out, I asked him if he'd come if we funded his gas tank. He agreed, so I deposited money for the three tanks of gas to get down here and an oil change. So, he was coming yesterday. He called me at 10:00 and said he was on his way out the door. He was due in around 7:00, so I went to the supermarket and got the stuff to make spaghetti -- he loves my spaghetti.

At about 4:00 pm, I was on the phone with GoDaddy for my doula (I'm helping her redo her website) and I got a phone call from my dad's home number. I freaked out and begged the GoDaddy guy to hold on a minute as I was getting a call from a number that I shouldn't be getting!!! It turns out that 50 miles into the trip, my dad's alternator fried. He'd spent an hour on the side of the road, to then be "rescued" by a NASCAR mechanic. He charged up the battery a bit and then my dad took the next exit to start making phone calls. (He didn't have a cell phone with him). He went to the Waffle House and made a call to his wife. She was going to send her business partner to pick him up. While there, my dad saw the Good Samaratin eating lunch with his son. The guy said that while they were both there, eating and waiting, that he'd charge up my dad's battery. That was great. The business partner showed up and that charge lasted for quite a ways. They did have to recharge the car two more times before arriving home, but they got there. My dad arranged to have the alternator fixed today and he'll be driving in tomorrow. I just hope it all works out ok!

Yesterday was the first day of second grade for Alexander. He got a new hair-cut and had new shoes! He looked so good!!! I forgot to take pictures though -- bad mommy. He likes his teacher and he had a great day at school. I'm trying to get him in a good schedule for this year. I devised an evening schedule to go by that consists of:

  • 30 minutes for snack

  • 1 hour of assisted homework

  • 2 hours of free time

  • 1 hour for bath, teeth

  • 9:00 bedtime

I really hope that this schedule works for him.  I'm also going to make up an "affermations" type cd for him to listen to in the car on the way to school in the mornings.  The CD will say things like, "I will raise my hand to talk in class," "I will stay in my seat," "I will complete all my work," etc.  I'm also going to type up a list for him to put in his binder.  I hope that the constant reminders will help him remember HOW to behave!!

Anyhow, that's my update for the moment.  I'll probably update again after my midwife appointment today.  My doula is busy on Saturday evening so I'm hoping to have this baby on Sunday.  Chris is planning on taking a bath with me this evening to listen to my Hypnobirthing CDs with me while giving me a good foot massage in the bath tub.  Hopefully this will have a great relaxing effect on me and help me prepare my body for labor.

I'll keep posted the best I can remember!!!

Much love,
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