Dec 23, 2008 14:25
Last week was particularly tense. Everything seemed to come together at work in such a way to slam us hard. First off, half the team was off for some training. Then came the US cold snap that closed the support operation there for over a day. All this on top of a last-minute rush on behalf of our customers to fix outstanding issues before staff went on holidays. Boiled down, this meant doing more work with less people and working overtime to cover the gap. Fortunately, that's over, but I definitely feel that I've earned the time off that I'll be taking.
Things seem slower this week, and we were even able to start a little late and have a team breakfast. I recommend the Harbourview for its buffet breakfast. They even had fresh honeycomb for the cereal!
As you've probably noticed, I've found a convenient way to link my other blog to LJ. Please drop by and comment on things you find interesting. I'm using it to separate my "life" posting from other things that I don't mind strangers reading.
MacCon was pretty good. I ran two teams through "Damsel in Distress". I'm hoping to have something ready for Eye-Con but chances are that uni will take over my life, so I might have to content myself with being webmaster again.
Some time in the new year, I will be hosting another Rock Band event. Hopefully with more people and more silliness :)