Science VS Religion

Mar 23, 2004 13:09

Well, my title is kind of incorrect, because the more I look at the two the more I realize that science IS a religion.

And it's probably the most bitchy out there.

For starters we have belief. Those who believe in the Church of Science have very founded beliefs. Light goes at 3.08 times ten to the whatever meters per second, acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s/s and there are countless other beliefs.

Second; there's a religious book. Well, a lot actually. In different versions. King James Bible? More like Holt's Intro Biology!

Third; like any good church we don't like to change. Ever tried to make up a new or revised scientific threory? Be prepared to be laughed and scoffed at by your "colleagues" or brothers of the cloth! (The cloth is of course, a lab coat)

Fourth; most followers will believe something, and only those higher up on the chain know that probably didn't happen, and they still don't care. Now this one sounds complex, but lemme break it down for you. We have the speed of light, right? We have to something like 28 decimals. Are we that accurate? NO. We get different readings, and if one doesn't really fit we call it an "outlier" and IGNORE it. Ignoring the facts eh? Now you get my point ^_^

Last and most importantly; self-righteous bitchiness. Yup, any person who believes in Science is way worse then a whole congregation of born-again Christians. A Scientist will tell you your religion is wrong then use their "facts" and beliefs to try and disprove your beliefs in hopes you'll gain their's. Not to mention the "higher-than-thou" attitude anyone with a science degree has...

So I think it's pretty clear that Science is probably a religion, and a real bitch of one at that.

Down with Science! Ignorance is a Right!

This has been a Public Service Announcement from your friend SirTrevor
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