Jun 09, 2006 00:05
I like to think in fractions.
Of time.
Of space.
Of a point.
Add this night to but a seemingly endless list of occurrences which have befallen me before.
I am...perennially...just the tiniest of smidgens from the top.
Why is it that I choke so often?
It seems as though I have never learned my lesson.
I should have learned it years ago.
Perhaps I'm just not cut out to win it all, win the top prize. I guess it's not in my blood.
I take solace in the supposition that, perhaps, in a FRACTION of the infinite parallel universes which mesh together into our spacetime, I am the victor.
Parallel universes, have you heard of them? Supposedly, there's a theory that there is an infinite number of universes out there encompassing the gamut of quantum possibilities. So, perhaps, in one of these alternate universes, I can fly! Perhaps I have wings! Perhaps I wear a crown! Perhaps I can teleport sporks with my mind! Perhaps! Perhaps OUR universe here is one of the few out of the entire infinity in which I am a perennial runner-up. I take solace.
Who am I kidding?! It's all right, it's all right. No biggy. I've proven myself out in the real world already.
Here's to peanut butter cup ice cream sundaes.
Here's to pipe organs.
Here's to pipe organists who overuse the bass pedals.
Here's to the pipe organ which I will custom-build into my future custom-built house.
Here's to photography in Cathedral Square.
Here's to getting the shaft.
Here's to merriment and jollity.
Here's to contact information and LJs.
Here's to you.
Here's to me.
Here's to developing personal websites on one's very own domain.
Here's to za future.
Here's to shameless plugs.
Here's to the end.
Here's to learning one's lesson.
Here's to renovating the Dunkin' Donuts Center (thank goodness).
Here's to the Bristol 4th of July Parade.
Here's once again to the end.
Here's to mixed emotions.
Here's to sweet revenge.
Here's to dedication.
Here's to the end of this most lengthy struggle!
And here's to the end of this most lengthy post!