♪Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday-happy days ♫

Jan 19, 2009 13:56

So yeah last week finally had the love power to help me up, dust me off a bit and carry me a few feet away from the muck pits.
(The above sentence is a good thing)
Tuesday I got to hang with Kittywolf13 and her boyfriend who's Live Journal name escapes me at the moment, and it was all fun and good and jolly. Even when I was laughing and hurting at the same time due to a ridicules rib injury I got while showering.(Said injury made it hurt to laugh >__<)
Wednesday thanks to the awesome that is Kittywolf, her, Mandar and myself trecked' me to the boyfriends house where it occurred to me I don't remember what his apartment number is even though I can find the location in my sleep. He was sleeping when I got in so I let him rest a whole hour. (It was easy to do since it was cold and he made room to cuddle.)

Ahh, there are few things I enjoy like cold weather cuddling. (=-u-=) hehe. So by now I can hardly remember what it was we did, I know roomate "The Jew" (who is not Jewish) invited himself in the room and I ended up glad I brought paper and pencil to entertain myself with. And between then and more cuddling I can't remember much. So I did end up staying the night as expected. However, the next day (which began for us at 4 in the afternoon) We went to dunk'n doughnuts and watched tv together and all things were good. Seemed as time went by that he actually got more and more...I'm not sure how to say, but he got more romantic/delightful and sweet and just awesome really.

Then a surprise, I ended up staying another night and we were up after that was decided till like oh, 5 in the morning watching Hot Fuzz. (A flipping hilarious movie, yey buddy cops!) And he stayed up till 9 in the morning watching "24". Because of that circumstance I decided to let him sleep in at 3 in the afternoon while I used his computer (WITH SOUND!) to watch "The sea prince and the fire child" an old anime that was on Youtube.
(Tis very good, I recommend it) at some point after he woke up I was just too cold and comfortable to want to leave bed when he went to play video games with The Jew. Much to his surprise apparently, I was curled up in exactly the same position as I had been when he got back. (Lets hear it for being cute accidentally)

I think because I had just spent so much good time with him and enjoyed myself so much, I wasn't nearly as hesitant to leave this time. Now don't get me wrong, if I had the thought to bring extra clothes with me, and some moisturizer for my face and he WANTED me to stay, I totally would have. But Friday night was the last night of my getaway. My sister was coming into town that night to attend a bridal/bachelorete party of some kind and I didn't get to eat dinner until we got her from the airport, which was after 9.

Saturday and Sunday have now passed relatively uneventfully (Except I did play N64 with a friend, including Pokemon Battle stadium) and I'm trying to crawl push or possibly even walk further away from my own personal muck pits that I was so thoroughly stuck in before.
Also recent events in my relationship have lead me to realize the following.
Even in my current relationship, the level of trust, loyalty and affection I feel is so strong there are people (many people) who may never care for another person with even a fraction of the intensity that I do.
It may be said that I love to much, but I"d take that over loving too little any day.

travel, friends, beau, real life, luffest

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