Monthly Prompt #6

May 01, 2008 01:02

Prompt #6:



"Ginny used to fancy Harry, but she gave up on him months ago. Not that she doesn't like you, of course," she added kindly to Harry.... (OP16)

Bits & Pieces
+ Length: 100 words minimum
+ Any rating
+ Interpret the prompt however you wish. For fics, you do not necessarily have to mention the exact word or phrase but there must be a reference to something associated with the prompt somewhere in the story.
+ Double check the guidelines for posting on the profile if you're not familiar with them
+ Always clearly mark which prompt you're replying to (either in the subject bar or as part of the header information). That way it can be linked to the original prompt post in the 'responses' section.

+ There is no longer a time limit on how long there is to respond. This means that if one of the older prompts catches your imagination you can still create something for it, post it to the community, and have it linked to the original prompt post.
+ If you have a suggestion for a monthly prompt you can leave it at the Suggest a Prompt post. Do not leave suggestions to this post.
+ If none of the community prompts catch your imagination remember that there is now an Adopt a Plot Bunny post.

Any questions?

.prompts, .admin

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