Pairing: Belldom/Wolstenkirk (Mainly Wolstenkirk here.)
Rating: PG
Notes: Sorry been away so long. Dealing with personal crisis. As usual, feel free to comment :) Enjoy.
Part ten.
"I know Tom," Chris replied softly, "I'm worried about them," he said quietly.
Tom sat up and folded his knees under himself, "Why? is it because of the townsfolk?" he asked tilting his head slightly to one side.
"Yeah," Chris replied nodding slowly, "It's awful, you know just as well as I do what the town would do if Matt and Dom were to admit their love, and it would be worse for them than us." Chris pressed a finger against Tom's lips as he opened his mouth to protest, "No Tom, let me finish. Just imagine it. They have lived here their whole lives, know everyone, friends with pretty much the whole town. If they were to be open in their sexuality, the town would turn on them the exact way they turned on us. Maybe even worse. It would be worse for them as it would be former friends turning on them, not complete strangers as is the case with us." Chris said allowing his finger to drop from Tom's lips, and dropping his head to hide his gaze.
Tom shuffled forward until his knees were touching Chris' thigh.
"Chris," he murmured, gently placing his fingers under Chris' jaw to lift his head up, "I know. Really I do, I'm worried about that too, but I'm more concerned about what will happen if they keep on burying their feelings and not telling the other, it will hurt them more if they do not admit their love for each other. And I don't even want to think of the consequences if they leave it too long," He whispered.
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