Pairing: Belldom/Wolstenkirk
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Muse this is just fiction.
Part nine.
"I understand," Tom replied softly, "but if you never try, you'll never know," he said leaning forward and placing a hand on Matt's knee.
Matt looked down into Tom's sincere brown eyes and knew that Tom was speaking leagues, "even if Dom doesn't want you, at least you've tried, and if he does -" Tom shrugged, "well, then go for it, don't let this town's prejudices bring you down."
"I know Tom," Matt said dropping his gaze to the floor, "but I'm scared," he said softly his voice cracking slightly.
"Oh, Matt," Tom sighed, wrapping his arms tightly around the brunettes shoulders, "I understand your fears, just take each day as a gift, and remember that one day, you must tell him, you can't hide the truth forever," he murmured gently releasing Matt's shoulders and resuming his position sat next to Chris.
Matt let out a heavy sigh and stood up, "I'd best be going now" he said.
"Thanks for the advice, I appreciate the advice and I will consider it, just not right now," he mumbled.
"It's alright Matt, you take as long as you need, just promise me you'll try," Tom said standing up and showing Matt to the door.
"OK, I'll see you soon," Matt assured him, stepping over the threshold and walking swiftly away from the house.
Tom watched Matt until he had vanished from sight, and than darted back inside, slamming the door behind himself, he leapt onto the sofa and curled up at Chris' side, he peered up into Chris' bemused expression and let out a small giggle before pressing himself firmly against Chris and knotting their fingers together, "Chris, our friends are in love," he sang, not bothering to keep the elation out of his voice, before reaching up and gently pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
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