Mundungus the Brave - drabble minorhp100

Jun 13, 2006 07:41

Title: Mundungus the Brave
Author : siriusmoonlite
Challange: minorhp100 22:M
Prompt: 'M' character and manticore battling
characters: Mundungus and a manticore?
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Team: Gryffindor/Lions


“I opened my eyes. And, if you can believe it, there stood the most ferocious monster alive; the deadly manticore. Its claws were out, its tail rattlin’ its beady eyes looking straight at me.”

Mundungus looked at his audience.

“What did you do?” a wide-eyed wizard asked.

“Reached in me pocket n’found me knife. That beast thought he had the better of me…but I swung out and cut off that tail.”

“Then what?”

“I ran for my life.”

Mundungus reached into his pockets and pulled out a knife and scorpion tail. “I’ll give you a good price on the two.”

minorhp, drabble

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