Title: You Found Me Chapter: 1/1 Author: SiriuslyLupin Rating: PG Summary: Fourteen months after the deaths of James and Lily, Sirius and Remus have let the stress of the situation drive them apart. They haven’t spoken in almost as long, but can a few well-placed words from Sirius bring them back together? Word count: ~8,500
Red ~ 0 words written Orange ~ under the daily quota of 1,667 words and under par overall Yellow ~ under the daily quota of 1,667 words, but still on par overall Green ~ surpassed the daily quota of 1,667 words
On the morning of April 26th at approximately 1:12 AM, I successfully completeled my sixth attempt at NaNoWriMo. I wasn't even sure I wanted to do it this month. I think I say that before every NaNo, but I was going to wait until Camp's second event in June. But I eventually just decided to do it this month instead, and I think it ended up being
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