State of the asshole stalker EX

Jan 08, 2014 18:30

I really need to start updating my LJ again. I feel like I've been a horrible LJ friend, because I hardly ever comment anymore and I make actual posts even less. Although I really don't make New Year's resolutions, I think I'm going to use the new year as motivation to become active on here again. Thank you if you've hung around and you're still following this.

I posted a year ago tomorrow about my asshole stalker EX about him sending me Christmas presents after we hadn't spoken in well over eight year by that point (by my choice). Seems like the perfect time to do an update on him. He'd been in prison since we stopped talking, and I wished he'd stayed there, because it was when he got out last December that he started the constant attempts to try and talk to me again.

I sent one of his Christmas presents back to him unopened (he sent two, the other of which I only opened because I hadn't realized who it was from, and it promptly went in the garbage). You'd think this would be enough for him to stop contacting me, but oh no. Not him, because he's a fucking fruit loop and wouldn't know reality if it bit him in the ass. I just didn't realize how crazy he really was.

When he got his Christmas present back, he called, and called, and called numerous times a day, every day. I was getting phone calls at the time that were only labeled as coming from the city where he lived, so I suspected they might be from him, and I was right. I won't answer the phone if I don't know who it is, and whenever my dad answered, the coward hung up. But I did eventually answer because he ended up calling one night at midnight. Who the hell calls someone at midnight?? I know he's unhinged, but for the love of god. I only answered it, because I thought it must be some sort of emergency coming that late at night.

I hung up as soon as I realized it was him, but he kept calling until I talked to him. This really need to hear him to believe it. The crazy that oozes from him is just unbelievable. He has all these fantastical ideas that I'm not going to go into detail about, because I don't want to make it too obvious who I'm talking about should he ever stumble upon this. I don't think he would, because I've been very careful about keeping my full real name off the internet as much as possible, and he has no clue what screenname I'm using now. He even said that he searched the internet high and low trying to find me, and he came up empty. Good. That's the way I want it, which I told him. He asked, "Because of me?" When I said yes, he seemed to think that was hysterical, because he laughed. Like a fruitcake.

Anyway, he took this phone conversation to mean that I was open to communicating with him again. Um, no. Which I told him, and I only talked to him that one time, because I felt coerced into it. But he wouldn't take no for an answer, so I threatened to go to the police. He said he didn't care, so to the police I went. For all the good it did. They called him and gave him a verbal warning, to which he sent me a text asking, "How could you do that to me?" Oh, honey, don't you dare. I warned you, and you said you care, so don't you dare blame me for it. But I'm not really surprised. This is how he is. He never takes responsibility for his actions and always blames someone else for the trouble he's in. It's always someone else's fault, it's never his.

I ignored his calls and texts, which the police advised me to do to no avail. This fucking moron just doesn't get the picture. To make a long story short (too late), I spoke to the police about a retraining order, and I am just stunned by what I have to do in order to get one. Firstly, they cost about $300. What the actual fuck. They want people to pay $300 in order to protect themselves?? Second of all, I'd have to go to court and testify against him, because he has a right to defend him. Um. It's kind of hard to defend yourself against the amount of harassing texts I have saved in my phone. Not to mention, I really don't want to have to go to court with him. That's kind of the point of wanting a restraining order in the first place - so I don't have to see or talk to him anymore! The police said that I could probably request to not be in the courtroom when he is, but that's not really good enough. Probably? Is this what they tell women who are being beaten by their husbands for heaven's sake? What a load of shit.

So that all turned me off to the idea of a restraining order, and I decided to just ignore his calls and texts which I had been doing. Until I got out of work one night in October to dozens and dozens of texts and voicemail messages from him that had accumulated in the span of a couple of hours. They were still coming in so furiously, I didn't even have time to read or listen to one before the next alert popped up. Ridiculous. And obviously from a flipping nutcase. Again, you had to actually see and hear these things to understand how very insane he sounds. He can't even put together a coherent sentence. I know most people don't care about grammar and spelling in texts, but at least try and put something legible together. His were just...some of were absolute rubbish, making absolutely no sense at all that I could see. Again, just oozing with crazy.

I talked to him one last time, and he still has no clue about what a total and complete stalker he's being. He talks to me like we're good old friends. What the everloving fuck? He seriously has no concept of reality. Again, he has these nutso ideas and...just wow. The man to be in a padded room.

So I changed my number, which turned out to be the best thing I ever did. It has been such a relief to not have to worry about getting these incomprehensible messages on my phone. But then I've been wondering when he would try sending me something again. I hadn't heard from him since October, and just knew it was too good to be true. I ended up getting a letter from him a few days ago, and guess what? It's hysterical. It's from prison. Again. Oh, so that's why it's been so nice and quiet these last few months.

I sent it back unopened, but I'm past the point of hoping that he'll get the idea. Not that I need to read the letter to know what he wrote. I imagine he claimed that he's innocent and that the police are just out to get him (because the police obviously don't have anything better to do with their time than to frame a lunatic), and that he needs a friend in prison, because he's oh so lonely. Um, yeah. Make friends with your cellmate. I'm sure he'll help keep you warm during these cold January nights.

But do you have any idea how much safer I feel knowing that he's locked up again? I really feared that he'd end up coming to my house or something, and now it's such a relief to know that he can't. This is where he belongs. It's really not safe for him to be walking the streets. They need to throw away the key.

life, rants

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