Jun 21, 2012 10:27
Wow this thing has cobwebs on it. Poor LJ.
While I've certainly still been around the net, I've been kind of distant from my usual haunts, including DA. Although I still post there, I don't spend much time doing anything other than that. Real Life has been quite cumbersome enough these last few months to allow me to really delve into any of my fandom communities the way that I used to, even if I remain active. That's just how it is again. I'm not going to promise to be back to regular updates any time soon, just because I know that's a promise I can't be sure to keep. My pregnancy is going much the same way as my last one with many of the same complications. But so far at least I haven't been put on bed rest. Keep your fingers crossed!
However I know that our living situation is going to change sometime within the next 4 to 6 months, which really drives me crazy because I feel like we can't get a grip on things. The latest development has us living in our rented home until sometime this fall, (GREAT fucking timing considering I'll be either ready to pop or will be unable to move having just given birth and had surgery) and then possibly moving into Kevin's old house, which is brother is currently occupying but plans to move out of to live with his girlfriend. See? Way too many what if factors for my comfort.
So since I can't get anyone to give me a clear picture of what's going on and when, I have just sort of said "fuck it" and am doing the best with what's at hand. And once again I've gotten busy with something else and lost my train of thought.
Well that's all for now folks!